the article's basically about how num's always evading the questions of whether he and nui are dating, that he's still acting his usual self of playing the ultimate gentleman. Whenever reporters or anybody, for that matter, ask him any questions relating to his love life in connection to nui, he'd try to avoid answering by saying that he didn't want to besmirch the female's reputation. In the latest interview, he was asked that with schooling and acting, does he have time to spend with nui? regarding this question, num says that he gets to see and spend time with nui when they plan the time to see one another, since they're students at the same institution; however, they don't see each other often, since nui's about to graduate soon and she's also busy with her work...he also just started his studies and wants to focus.
- reporter: "How about some sweet moments between you and nui?"
- num: laughs it off and says he doesn't want to answer, since this is a dangerous question...
- reporter: "how does nui feel about the little time you have for her?"
- num: she understands that we each have our own responsiblities...
- reporter: "do you talk to nui a lot at night?" (maybe through the phone???)
- num: we talk like normal, not too many nights in a row and neither has our conversation lessen either due to our cramped's normal.
- reporter: "seeing how you're so slick, I'm gonna be frank and ask when's the wedding?"
- num: not yet, maybe when I turn 35...I'm only 32 right now...
- reporter: "now that you've reached the number 3 (meaning num's 30+ years old), are you worried and anxious about being married?"
- num: in regarding wedding and lifetime partners, I highly believe in fate and "nua koo" (the one you're meant to spend the rest of your lives with) and that no matter what obstacles true lovers face, at the end they will end up with each I'm not really worried about these kinds of issues. The wedding isn't really all about me, but more about whether we're both ready to settle down. Besides, she's a lady and it's not proper nor right for me to say too much regarding this matter, since I, as a gentleman, must respect both nui and her family, so I'll just answer your questions as much as I can without compromising the lady...
- reporter: "the reason why you don't go out as couples to public functions, is it because too many eyes are trained on both of you?"
- num: we're actually living a normal life...I think it's more of respecting both our personal lives and spaces...if there are scandals, we're not the only ones affected but our families as well...
lol, I actually enjoyed reading this...hope you peeps did too