ah i c... but like i said youa.. i critic.. i dont post for people to agree with me (or to disagree).. i say what i feel not what i think others want to hear... and if someone post something and i disagree then i'll reply to it, if i agree sometime i'll reply or most time i leave it alone, or just do it once and that's it, didnt want to spam, it gets repetative... and yes it is unrealistic and boring for me to agree with everyone when i really dont agree, if i did that then i would be lying right?.... here or anywhere else.. even in spicy and apc.. the girls there know that about me and i'm sure alot here too.. i have opinions..i make them.. and i apologize if those opinions just stabbed for some of you... i just didnt realize that postings should be mainly agreeing or praising... i've always thought that when people criticize then that meant they paid attention.. that's all..
it's not only kob in this lakorn that i want to critic.. gosh i dont want to start in on num too.. i mean it's his best in a long time but... nm..