absolutely love this lakorn!!!
I think this is Aum's best job so far.... he definitely needs to get some reconition for this come award time
I like Benz's character... definitely not weak but knows who to trust and knows to put on an act when shes around bad people
I was seriously hoping for the uncle to be a good guy but hes so evil!
Dayshow is a pain in the a** but hes jus dumb and not actually part of the plan to keep Lom Huan mental right?
I cant believe they killed Maytee... that part was so depressing
when Maytee came to talk to Aum right before he died and he was about to sit on Aum's imaginary friend was too cute
Benz is helping Aum because shes a good person not because shes in love with him... she knows that Aum isnt the typical person that should be in a mental hospital. she doesnt start to fall in love with him until after he gets out and they are hiding in the mountain/woods together and Aum is slowly getting better. and about it being too fast... lakorns never follow a "real" timeline for love
i dont think Aum will forget Benz... hes not forgetful, just slow
all the bad people need to get their butts beaten!!
oh yea... i love the part where Aum stuffs the picture he drew through the fence for Benz... too cute and the sanya too! :wub: :wub:
gotta love this lakorn for using P'Birds song during the classroom singing too :w000t: