OMG, one more episode. Suddenly, I feel sad that it'll end, but also happy that it's finally ending. This project starts us all up together. I'm glad to have work with you guys. I'll definitely remember this project even when we'll going to work on something else. Thanks, guys, for the great work. And
Maya, you did a great job as a coordinator. I appreciate every second you put into this. Even though I start it, you help end it. Thank you very much everyone. :yahoo:
Yes it's finally done and over with.
Thank you
Thuy for all your hard works and be patient with me with every question I asked.
^_^ I couldn't have done it without you helping me every step of the ways.
And thank you
Linda for helping me with translation all the way to the end.
And also thank you to all members for a wonderful jobs. Hope you gals have time to help out with our future projects too.
*I don't want to be bias, and miss anyone so I listed everyone's name
Thank you all. ^_^
#1: Thuy - A Timer*/Editor/ Coordinator #1*
#2: Kayla - A Translator*
#3: Pang - A Translator*
#4: Stardust - A Translator*
#5: Maya - A Translator/Timer/ Coordinator #2*
#6: Linda - A Translator/Web Designer*
#7: Rina - A Timer*
#8: linda0koy - A Timer*
#9: nina_k - A Grammar Checker*
#10: roselovesice - A Timer*
#11: laplandJJ - A Timer*
#12: callakt - A Grammar Checker*
#13: Reachy - A Grammar Checker*
#14: butterfly123 - A Timer*