i just finished this one... well, it's a quite stupid...
first of all, emma died because the man who killed louis amarin, asked her to give him a cd of that woman (little girl's mother) who witnessed pancake's father's doing. so the man killed emma by overdosing drug on her (i think) because she gave it to her a wrong one- she hid it in the book before he came.
i'm disappointed in that part because i thought emma would be alive at end.
policeman who like emma was depressed for a while but at end, he quitted a job. there was another policewoman so they kind of seem liking each other after he helped fixing her car engine.
i wish he would get emma when she was alive... because at the grave, he gave an engaged ring on her coffin because he planned to ask her to get marry before she died.
as for nam, he was died from shots where he protected pancake at the building but at hospital, he was back alive again twice (it's pretty obvious, though. and i even cried along with pancake crying on nam.). pancake just tried to stay input with her father... i think he will be dead soon because he has a heart diease or something...
i think that parts i really like it because it's something that makes you anxious if nam will be alive or not even it's predictable.
nam and pancake seem decided to off together because the issues they had but inside of them still love each other because their friends tried to get them together since they were meant to be. so later on, nam heard a piano and be there for pancake even she didn't know he was there a whole time...until she finished a piano, saw him walking away so she ran to see him talking about it... finally, nam told her he wanted her and loved her (i think). so they got each other. same goes to pai and that girl... pai became a popular basketball player and girl just was same.
it was pretty slow for them to realize and that's what i hate. <_<
finally, at end they all graduated...
overall, i like it but some parts i hate because i wanted all characters to be romantic sometimes... i mean too much of "oh i can't express my feelings" blahhh. beside i wish there's more parts to louis, emma, and that guy than those 4 youngsters.