I'm probably the first cause I live here LMAO
i totally disagree. heck no! no girl deserve to be slap. do you want to get slap?!! she has the right to said rude things to him because he and his mom are always acting suspicious. she's not jumping in conclusion. both of them always look like they have something going on together. and he like to protect his mom too,she love and worried about her dad so she want to protect her dad which is right of what she did. yep she should have slap him like 5 times after he slap her and push him would be better too. i blame the writer and director for having this scene, beside the slap he also choke her too what a jerk! makes me so mad! :arrg:cecilia Posted Today, 12:11 PM
well, in consideration again, pinky does deserve the slap b/c of all the the rude things she said to him. sure, he came off a bit rough but just b/c she's jumping in conclusion and blame everything on him when she doesn't have any proof of him and mutita relationship. its' just accusation after accusation, if i'm aof, i would teach her a lesson too.
i agree with you.Well. It's not hard really. If San was a girl. And pinky had bad-mouthed San's mom. I think we would see the justification in San slapping her. Nee? But no. San'a a guy. And he's the pra-aek. He's ruining our image of a "gentle," sweet pra-aek. :S
she slap him back and hit him and he pull her back ..blah blah.. then she went to her room and cry. he was a jerk! nope i think she doesn't deserve it. hey this is not real life. this is a soap opera. he's praek not suppose to hit nangaek. only bad guys does that. he didn't realize he was wrong and didn't learn from it. i know there are other la korns that praek slap nangaek and i don't like it either. someone said next episode. in the cottage she was sick and he take care of her all night. so hope it's good. <_<TubbyTinker Posted Yesterday, 10:36 PM
wait when san slapped lily, what did she do after that?