Taking Care of The Bill


Tell me about it.
ah, either we split the bill, or they pay. the more they offer to pay, the more happy i get. i might offer to pay, but i usually end up not paying, and i'm happy. i'll only pay for ONE person, and that's a good friend of mine. i dont even pay for my bf. i love my money too much.


ahaha wow muddie. i'd be glad to know u!

um with family, if they don't wanna pay, i'll pay, i don't mind, it's my family. i gave more to others... -_-

but i gotta say, when i go out with my friends it's always split evenly regardless of what we ate. like if someone orders 10 hennessy & coke, and i had 1 diet coke ... i'd have to pay for the lameass' drinks lol... it's usually bill + 8% tax + 20% tip = X/whoever's there

or yes, birthdays, or good days, someone picks up the whole bill... sometimes i would, but it's VERY rare, as i'm very cheap hahaha :p

additionally, adding to cappy's theory of people back in our native side... haha in my case, when i was in Laos/Thailand, i ALWAYS picked up the bill. um freak that, i was throwing money all over like it was nothing. gosh that's why i shouldn't be using foreign currency, it's just freaking paper dammit, PAPER!!! :angry: ok i'm getting too engaged. let me stop.


N i n j a
i don't mind paying for the bill. unless of course, i'm broke. but i wouldn't go out unless i have some money. and if they insist on paying and i know it's going to cost a lot, i play the slip-some-money-into-their-pockets game. i always lose, because they get mad at me. but i tell them 'next time'.


sarNie Adult
Okay... usually don't reply to these threads, but I just want to put in my 2 cents. I thought you only have to pay for everyone's bill when you invite someone out........ not like a date kind of thing.

Muddie Murda

^I think she is. T____T

Haha well to comment on iamnowhere's post...it may seem like that, but um I pay for everyone too even when it's THEM inviting me out. I don't have many friends haha, but the ones i do have, they don't take advantage of me. Usually they pay me back somehow someway. I think the only one I can think of who didn't really pay me back was my ex. When we went out, I paid for almost everything because he was broke. -_- He even pay me back somehow someway. He just felt bad, and that was his payback. Gosh. I want my money back.


sarNie Adult
So Muddie, does that mean that if we have a Sarnworld meetup, you'll pay the bill?

Gosh, you're too nice. But like namie and others, I like to do the slip the money into their pocket thing too. ^^


sarNie Adult
sorry to say it but i do the same i once paid for a $600 dollar bar tab gave the waitress a $100 tip cos she was happy cos she was gonna have a kid and decided she was keeping it even though she knew she was a gonna be a single mom---lmao--- it was christmas that time but like was said by someone else i've been blessed with money,,, i'm not rich but i'm not poor either--- i once paid someones debt so i did not have to hear them complain ---lol---it was $900 in their bad business deal... i do like to go out though... i even bought a friends drinks when i knew he was worth millions but i just feel the same as muddie i don't wanna owe anybody anything cos maybe i will fall on bad luck and not be able to pay them back... i hate all forms of debt---lol---i guess i'm hopeless too and need to stay home,,,not:D


Bai Yang [♥] Fong T. Xiong
Since we're all serious about this post..

I usually split the bill among friends. Sometimes when I'm nice I might pay up but I expect them to do it eventually in the future.

When I was in Thailand my friends would usually pay for me because they were in a much better financial position. I don't have a problem with that although alot of people might.
But around here we're all about the same so I guess it really depends on the situation.
Yeah, but little protegé here is paying for your honeymoon?
Are you trying to carry a "nice" image now, Darv? LMFAO.

Poor Mud. I think we're in the same boat, however, I don't
pay much/often, since I'm usually broke.

Let's just all stay home and whine. LOLs. My turtling for the
past years has saved my parents a lot money, and now I DO
go out often with my cousins, my mom trips and hates it. My
parents lecture me now, and trip and try to stop me from
going places whenever I'm about to go out the door. LOLs,
I ran out of the house once last year to go with my aunt.
i have this same problem ...when i go somewhere with someone, it doesn't matter who is that person, i always pay all the bill..even with my boyfriend...people around me always say that they didn't know if i'm too nice or too naive..but like i say, it just that i don't like to see someone else pay for me or just spend their money..it's like when we go to the restaurant and i know that most of the people around me are broke..and then i can't say that i will just pay for someone and not the other one ..and then i just take the bill..i know that most of the people to who i pay something are really embarass when they saw me taking out my credit card... but i know that they can't afford it at the moment and then like i always told them, next time it will be their turn even if it's not true..because i can easily give something to someone but i can't accept something from someone ..and that always make them really mad at me ..but i don't know..i feel like paying things everytime to people around me is what i have to do even if there are some people who abuse..and it's always funny when someone try to argue about that with me , because at the end i always win, even if it's me who pay i still have the last word....


sarNie Hatchling
LOLs. I think the experts would call us "co-dependent". I'm that way with family but not so much with others.


talking about bills..who wants to help me pay for my medical bill right now..since i just got out of the hospital?? lol