
sarNie Adult
A sweet face Thai/Esan country singer from Korat - who went to France with Ice Saranyu to promote her songs where there were alot of Laos and thai or Esan people were there. She was asked a question in Laos by a Laos Journalist such as "Is this your first time in France?" or in Laos the question was "Tum it wah ti mah France?", She reply back that she doesn't understand the dialect of Laos, and asked the report to speak in thai, whereas in thai whenever she appeared on stage to received her award ceremoney or concert, she actually can speak Esan dialect which is basically similar to Laos language. Please listen and make judgement or make opinion about if she was rude to forget her root or where actually the originate of True Esan people came from;I think she should be Banned from Entry of Laos country or no Laos people should support her music anymore if she doesn't appreciate the Language of Laos where the originate of Esan language comes from.

This is the interview that she was asked by the Laos Reporter;



sarNie Adult
Beside the fact of similarity between Issan dialect & Lao,,, i think you assume too much that all Issan ppl. can understand (easily) Lao ppl. right ???
Lao ppl. can understand easily thai because of the media influences,.. but the opposite is wrong. How can you expect Issan ppl. to understand easily lao ? I think it's not something "automatic" and especially for the young generation such as Takkatan,,,,

for me, Takkatan speaks Thai, or Issan for her concerts for her rewards in concert like you said,,, but it's still always more ... *** thai language.

I think you seem to judge her too fast based simply on your own personal assumption after that video ...


sarNie Oldmaid
I think it was just the question that threw her off. Even after reading your post and then go watch the video I still have a hard time understanding what the guy was asking/saying to her. I have to click repeat the video again to get what he was asking her. Also, the guy seems like he has no confident in questioning her; He's very insecure and very jitter about the whole thing. He shouldn't act as a reporter if he is so insecure with his questioning/wording like that. Lao accent and Thai Issan accent might seems similar, but to the unfamiliar ears it can be quite difference.
And secondly, I believe the word "tum it" is not commonly use Lao word, (as mention in one of the video's comment), so even if you're full Lao and hit with that word in the same manners as the guy in the video is throwing at you, added with the nervousness of being in front of the camera you'd be confuse too. So cut her some slack, ... as Anan mention, just because she is from Korat does not mean she will understand all Lao's words.
My relatives from Nakorn-Phanom some of them are having hard time understanding Lao language too when they're talking to Lao peoples. They have to be repeated or explained on some Lao words and meaning as well.


sarNie Adult
I think it was just the question that threw her off. Even after reading your post and then go watch the video I still have a hard time understanding what the guy was asking/saying to her. I have to click repeat the video again to get what he was asking her. Also, the guy seems like he has no confident in questioning her; He's very insecure and very jitter about the whole thing. He shouldn't act as a reporter if he is so insecure with his questioning/wording like that.
Waow,,, you are amazing !!! I'm impressed by your good observations hehe,
in fact that video was put online last year, @ the same time when that person decided to launch his new personal project called "LaoTV", he is not a reporter, but simply a web forum admin for the popular Lao community in France who preaches for pro-"Royalist" side.

When that I saw that video for the first time, i laughed a little bit, poor him, he didn't start well his interview, and use too familiar terms to ask a question (even myself i didn't get what he was saying/asking @ the beginning lol :lol: ), i think it's must be the emotion to interview a super famous singer lol,,, Probably nervousness like you said indeed lol....


Ky the Star
i agree with the previous posts.
don't judge her so quickly... and banning her, that's kind of harsh.
anyways, again, Lao ppl can understand Thai easier, Thai ppl not really, even if kon Issan.
and there's different wording for things as well, even in Lao.
also, hearing the guy talk, it's hard to make out what he's saying, and if you're not familiar with a word, then the meaning of the question won't make sense.
so yeah, i'm sure i repeated a lot, so yeah. ^^''
and Takkatan is a great singer, i would so definitely not want her to be banned or whatever.