Tata Young with her newest single


Expired Sarnie
I think her company is trying to hard to mold her into the Thai Britney Spears. I think I enjoy her Thai songs more. They have such more meaning. From her English songs I love, I Think of You, Sexy Naughty Bitchy, I Believe, My World is Spinning, Crush on You, El Nin-YO, For You I Will, My Bloody Valentine, and Words Are Not Enough.


She got thick....not that it's a bad thing personally.

And about her new single, ugh...cliche with Asian companies making their stars similar to western/US singers. Isn't this lacking originality?


Expired Sarnie
Tata was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in 2007. Life long therapy is required. I guess that explain why her vocal is not as great as before because it does effect her speech. It also causes weight gain. I am glad she's not traumatize by it, I would break down if I had it.


Tata was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in 2007. Life long therapy is required. I guess that explain why her vocal is not as great as before because it does effect her speech. It also causes weight gain. I am glad she's not traumatize by it, I would break down if I had it.
Oh wow. I didn't know she was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Yeah, you're right, this condition does affect the weight (slow metabolism) and the vocal cords.

Many people with her condition has a normal daily living. As long as she keeps up with her medication for it. It's like having diabetes where you HAVE to have insulin, pill or shot, and a careful attention to diet helps the condition from ever going to crisis. Same for Thyroid.

I am glad she is taking her condition like a champ. Good thing she stays active because she seems VERY fit. Usually, people with hypoT who DON'T engage in physical activity will gain so much. I applaud Tata for keeping strong in her hectic career and keeping healthy.