Teem Caij Yuam Kev


sarNie Egg
Teem Caij Yuam Kev

Muaj ibkhub hluasnkauj hluasnraug, tus tubhluas lub npe hu ua Ntootshuaj tus hluasnkauj lub npe hu ua Sajhuam,.nkawd tau sibteem caij tuaj sibntsib tim ib lub park nyob hauv lub nroog St. Paul MN. Nyob hauv hnub ntawd lawv tig sibhawm ib hour rov qab lawm tabsis tus hluas nraug nws tsis paub txog??? ces nws txawm mus tos tus hluas nkauj raws li qhov nkawd sibteem cia.

Ntootshuaj twb tos Sajhuam dhau los 1 hour lawm tabsis tsis pom Sajhuam tuaj li, vim lub sijhawm ntawd tau muaj tsheb sibtsoo tav Sajhuam kev, Sajhuam thiaj tsis muaj peevxwm tuaj ncav raws li qhov nkawd tau sib teem cia. Nyob hauv lub sibhawm Ntootshuaj tos Sajhuam yam li tej nrojtsuag tos cov dejnag. Ntootshuaj tos & tos ua rau nws tsaug zog heev. Ntootshuaj txawm ib lajmuag mus tig saib uaciav pom ib tug hluas nkauj twb tuaj nyob nram qhov chaw nkawd sibteem cia tos lawm,..(Ntootshuaj zoo siab hlo).

-(Ntootshuaj & Sajhuam nkawd yeej ib txwm tsis tau sibntsib, sibpom dua li,.) Ntootshuaj txawm nkag mus noog tus hluas nkauj ntawd hais tias ,..�hey tusmuam puas yog koj tuaj tos ntsib ib tug neeg ntawm qhov no nab??,..tus hluas nkauj ntawd txawm teb hais tias yog mas�. Ntootshuaj txawm xav zoj hauv lub siab tias,..vuag tuag lo,..zoo li no xwb es yus yuav ua cas nyiam no,.. Ntootshuaj txawm nyiag kev khiav twb ywm los tsev tsis qhia rau tus ntxhais ntawd paub ib lo li.

Lub sibhawm twb dhau mus tau ob xyoo lawm tabsis Ntootshuaj yeej tseem nyuajsiab thiab xav tau hais tias nws ua tsis yog lawm, tiamsis qhov tseem ceeb tiag nws tsis paub hais tias tus hluas nkauj uas nws tau ntsib tim qhov chaw nkawd sibteem cia ntawd tsis yog Sajhuam.

Nyob hauv July 4 hnub ob,.. lubntuj txawm tig ib lub sihawm rau Ntootshuaj & Sajhuam nkawd tau sibpom ib zaug, tabsis mas nws yog ib lub sijhawm uas tsis zoo rau nkawd,…thaum lub sibhawm tavsu Ntootshuaj & ib tug phoojywg nkawd txawm mus noj su hauv ib lub chaw noj mov,…thaum uas nkawd tabtom noj,noj mov ntawd Ntootshuaj txawm hnov ib lub suab hu ib lub npe tias,..Sajhuam,..Sajhuam los peb noj lub tom no??? Ntootshuaj lub siab poob nthav & xav zoj tias,… “vuag nws puas yog kuv tus Sajhuam uas kuv niaj hnub nhiav�,.. ces Ntootshuaj txawm tig hlo mus saib uas ciav pom ib tug ntxhais hmoob uas zoo nkauj heev thiab ntxim hlub kawg nkaus. Tus ntxhais ntawd txoj kev zoo uas rau ntoo tshuaj tsis nco qab ntsais muag & tsis nco qab noj li lawm.

Ntootshuaj muaj ib lo lus zoo uas zais hauv nws lub siab los ntev xav muab hais qhia rau Sajhuam tias thaum ntawd nws thov txim tiamsis nws tsis muaj sibhawm ntxiv li lawm, vim hais tias Sajhuam twb muaj txiv lawm.

It's just a short story my guy friend wrote and sent to me and a friend. He wants me to
translate it into english but than my hmong readings not that good. anybody
willing to help me out? I think he also has a few more stories, if you guys are interested,
i can ask him to send me a couple more to share with you guys. sorry for
those who can't read hmong, i had a hard time myself.


sarNie Juvenile
i, beamsgirl, not mrs. bie [using my sis's account right now] can translate but not till the weekend...if anyone else can translate, do still feel free to go ahead...I won't have time till the weekend...
I just kinda scanned over it and didn't catch much but it goes something like, a guy and a girl had an appointment/date to meet at a park but the guy didin't know it was change the clock day [I think it was one hour later] so he went at the appointed time but was actually an hour earlier...the girl was stuck in traffic due to a car accident [I think] and couldn't make it...
then the guy at the park was waiting and waiting and then saw a girl who he thought was his girl [I guess they didn't know/see each other before prior to the date/meeting] so he went to talk to her but thought she was not attractive so he left...but he felt bad that he just ditched the girl at the park [not knowing she wasn't his date]...two years later he still felt bad for ditching the girl at the park...he went to the july 4th tournament thingy and was eating then heard someone calling his date's name to come eat at this one booth...he wonders if it's his date and he turns to see this beautiful girl...but sadly, he can't tell her what he's been wanting to tell her for the past two years cause she's married...
hopefully I or someone else will have the full story up by this weekend


sarNie Hatchling
I tried translating... but don't know how to exactly translate the title. Sorry for any/many grammar mistakes and anything that could have been translated more accurately. Please correct if anything is wrong.

I don't get some stuff in the story, like how does daylight saving have anything to do with them not being able to meet? and maybe a short background on their relationship before the meeting. and did they talk after their appointed date? oh well, it's a story, leave the rest to the imagination.

The Wrong Meeting Time

There is a couple, the guy’s name is Ntootshuaj and the girl’s name is Sajhuam. They had set up a date to meet up at a park in St. Paul, MN. The day of the date was daylight saving’s time when the clock is turned back one hours, but the guy did not know this. He showed up at the park at the appointed time.

He waited for an hour, but the girl had not shown up. The reason is that she was stuck in traffic because there was an accident ahead and she could not make the appointed time. To Ntootshuaj, waiting for Sajhuam, was like grass waiting for rain. Ntootshuaj waited and waited and he became very sleepy. He lazily opened his eyes and saw a girl there at their appointed spot… he became very happy.

Ntootshuaj and Sajhuam had never met in person before. Ntootshuaj went over and asked the girl there, “Hi, did you come to met someone at this appointed spot?� The girl answered “yes.� Ntootshuaj instantly thought “Oh my god! What to do. She looks like this? How can I like her?� The guy secretly crept away and went home, not saying anything to the girl.

Two years had passed but Ntootshuaj still feels guilty and knows that what he did was wrong. However, what’s important is that Ntootshuaj did not know that the girl he met at the appoint spot at the park was not Sajhuam.

That year, during the fourth of July… faith gave them a chance to finally met, but the time was not to their advantages. While Ntootshuaj and one of his friends were eating at a restaurant, he heard someone call Sajhuam’s name and say “Sajhuam, come over here and eat with us.� Ntootshuaj suddenly stopped and he thought, “Is she my Sajhuam, the girl whom I had always liked?� He turned and saw a Hmong girl, who was very beautiful and lovable. Her beauty stunned him; he forgot to blink and forgot to eat.

Ntootshuaj has a something that he’s been thinking for a long time and wants to say it to Sajhuam, that he is sorry. However, there was no more opportunity to say it to her because she is already married.