Thai stars on Facebook?


sarNie Juvenile
hi. i was wondering if anyone know whether or not some thai stars are really on facebook ( if so, who? and how do you know for sure? i really want to know because i just had the weirdest experience ever on facebook just a few minutes ago!!!!!


sarNie Adult
Yea I saw a bunch of stars on facebook and it's most likely them because there's a bunch of personal pix. I have P'Pepper and Narongvit on mines. I've seen Amy, Cee, Noon and a bunch of other stars on there. Haha. Everyone is facebooking now a days! LOL.


sarNie Oldmaid
not facebook..but more hi5..seems like hi5 is popular in thailand and for the celebrities?

apparently the ones that i know of

Pong Nawat
Nathelie Davis


sarNie Adult
don't get me wrong, but i thought most daras are so busy that they hardly have time to go on-line and enjoy some free time???!!!??


sarNie Juvenile
I know Mo has a hi5 account... and cheer and tle and pinky and others. I'm pretty sure its them bc cheer had hers on private plus there were alot of personal pictures.


sarNie Adult
don't get me wrong, but i thought most daras are so busy that they hardly have time to go on-line and enjoy some free time???!!!??
You'd be supprised how much time they have. I see them on msn like all night long....


Rome in FB???

is it really Rome? coz i thought in Thailand mostly... he's called Lome right??? XD im sorry im just a bit confuse but yeah... the whole world is into FB right now... XD i even have FB but i dont quite use it coz i havent found my favorite society hang out there yet though my BFF is addicted to it... XD she hangs out a lot in PET SOCIETY in FB... XD


sarNie Juvenile
i bet some actually do, but most of the daras' facebooks are just made by fans...

yeah..that was what i thought too..however, what if it's really them? i mean, what if the person you're really chatting with (or messaging) is the REAL star? on the other hand, how would you know, right? i guess it's just hard too to believe that it's really them....


sarNie Hatchling
I know several daras that are on Facebook too, though most Thais in general seem to prefer Hi5 because it's more customizeable (and in my opinion, easier to use), not to mention it's in the Thai language. But Facebook was (did?) working on making its interface availible in Thai too, so we'll see if that has an effect on anything.

But I gotta agree with IceBKK, I know several that spend all freaking day and night on the computer cause they only work once or twice a week haha :lol:

What sort of experience did you have?