Thai Stars with perfect english
(No doubt these 3 singers can speak perfect english!)
- Kat English
- Tata Young
- Mos Patiparn
(Here's my proof of Chai & Pitt'a pefect english:
- Chai
- Pitta
(I never heard him talk in english but he only writes in english to his fanclub so I am guessing english is his first language)
- Alex Rendell
(It was during the bloopers of Jone Plon Jai Num's dad was speaking in english coz he messed up on one of the scenes, lol)
- Num's dad in Jone Plon Jai (Sorry don't know his name, his english is so good!)
That's all I can think of. But I've heard
Aum.A fans say he can speak perfect english also. I think
Anne can also coz she's half white =)