The Insomnia Thread


Staff member
Lets see this happens to me alot ... so I guess I decided to make a thread about it .. lol maybe the other freaks of the night would reveal themselves and why they are unable to sleep the respective nights..

as for me today ..

Stressing over some family things ..(nothing new) but im not that serious about it
thinking about somethings and timing on something ..
school and what I should do next ab it...
simply can't sleep ...

Now This is the Stupid Part... My Song Palapol-Jai Kor...I Wanna Hear it .. so I LOL its part of why Im awake .. I love it that much

huy 5:11 A.M ... getting very weary and tired but not yet enough for sleep ...


sarNie Adult
yeah the stupid chickens outside dont shut up then there is tha dogs and then there is the planes but they dont bother me so much!!! and then i got alot on ma mind any way things about love and life and exams >.<


Staff member
yeah the stupid chickens outside dont shut up then there is tha dogs and then there is the planes but they dont bother me so much!!! and then i got alot on ma mind any way things about love and life and exams >.<

doing my reports!!!!!!!
awwwwwwwwwww Poor Nong Ice .. you should put on some relaxing music and lay in bed ... it use to work for me untilll ... I dunno hahha I started getting addicted to one song

and Grandpa We told u to do it Friday but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you didn't want to ... =p

as for me stil have yet to sleep had to take my aunty to do errands and she yelled at me and called my mom all the way across the world to bish about me .. so im upset .. i hate getting yelled at! especially by someone thats not my momma or daddy and even they don't yell at me urgh .. so i kinda snapped back at my aunty ..


sarNie Adult
Wow..what a coincidence...I was just thinking about this.

Last was an *itch tryin to fall asleep...dont know why. Then around 2:40 am, out of nowhere!..I started thinking about Emily Rose. Dammit! And the fact that I sleep in a dorm hall wasn't much help. That kept me up for a while.


sarNie Adult
Dude, Emily Rose...I think about that, too. Emily Rose is scary as hell. I woke up at 3:00 am one time...scary as hell. I was waiting for it to change to 3:01 and I can't sleep with my blanket over my neck because I feel like it'll sink in and choke me. huh? And its funny....for me...I like to cover my head with my blanket cause if I dont, I feel like something's gonna grab for it..or like start caressing my hair or something. Damn...Im getting creeped out now. Lets stop this discussion.


Staff member
still upset about the incident in the morning .... and thinking about somethings ..sighs ... another night of no sleep eh currently 4:08 am here ...

Muddie Murda

5.18. Around the time I'll be sleeping normally. I can't sleep early at all, unless I've had no sleep in like 2-3 days straight.

It's like I hate sleep............but when I sleep I don't want to wake up.

:D Where can I buy sleeping pills? hahaha *serious*


Staff member
Muddd Tsk Tsk girl don't use sleeping pills to sleep its bad for u .. just take a relaxing warmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bath .. or lay down and turn on some music ... relaxing music that is .. and you'll slowly doze off in your own little world.. but eh Nyquil works =x lol kidding Don't Do IT! lol


yeah nyquil works!!! i used it in school when everything was just getting to me and i couldn't sleep. :spin:

well when i quit my old job, and before i left to thailand, last time... i slept almost everday at 5am or later... it kept me on a cycle, but before that i was also an insomniac... when i worked at the bank my conversation starter was "i'm an insomniac"... lol and it was a few years back now.

with muddie, i think u're used to the cycle of sleeping at 5am, it's tuned into your biological clock, so basically you sleep normal hours just at a latter time lol. if you want to reset yourself, do what you do, workout or do something to burn you out by 10pm for 3 days, and you will get your sleeping cycle back. unless you have sleeping disorders, which is another problem. :)

Muddie Murda

Thanks for the advice. Yeah my body's used to sleeping late. e_e I've been like this for over 5 years now. T___________T First it was my addiction to the internet. Hahaha I was always online. Now, it's not because of that. e_e even when I TRY to sleep 12-1 AM...I toss and turn until 5-6 AM. T______T I hate this.


Staff member
you know what drinking coke works to muddie!!! lol if your not scared of getting fat.. but u can always work out in the morning lol ....


wth tina! drinking coke? coke has caffeine and caffeine is like drinking coffee, u'll have another burst of energy and never be able to sleep lol... um yeah stick to the warm milk because it warms up the enzymes in the milk and makes you go to bed faster like eating lots of turkey on thanksgiving day. well i've had many things suggestions as take a hot shower, foot massage, and stuff to go to bed faster. but i can't get rid of my habbit lol.

well muddie, yea if it's been 5 years, then you'd need more than 3 days to reprogram your body lol. since you're so used to 5am as your bed time, your body won't be restless until you know for a fact it's 5am. try something like ignoring the time, having your room be pitch dark, and you don't have any sense of time, turn off all your media also, and sleep. well before you can do that i think it might take a few attempts. i've tried myself and it's hard. i tend to toss around back and forth if i have a lot on my mind. you tend to think more when it's quiet and dark. but u'd have to relax... but yeah losing sleep is killing me...that's why my brain is soooo slow, and i tend to forget so many things so fast, it has alot to do with sleep. :(


Staff member
well ning .. my body so crappy now a days because the little rest and etc that anything can make me sleepy.... and yet im here just getting off work at 12 pm and no sleep o___O sighs .. life O' life... someone save me .. lol =x

Muddie Murda

Oh ning! lol my room is always dark! T___T
I have those smilie that are solar powered. It moves its head when it sees light...and my poor smilie NEVER MOVES. Poor smilie. T_T I have the darkest room in the house. My windows don't even go out side. haha they go to another room.

It's been 5 years, but it was never this bad. HAha 5 years ago, it started around 2 AM when I would sleep. Then as time goes by, it gets later to like 3-4...and then I make plans to sleep before 1 AM at least!! Then I end up at 5 AM. -_- Now it's like 5-6 AM for me...that's my usual bed time.

And yeah tina LOL i just remembered, coke is full of caffine. My instructor drinks it in the morning like coffee.


Staff member
o____O lol so? I drink caffenine and fall asleep :lol: unless its cold .. like if I drink coffee I'd get sleepy.. but a Frap will wake me up! lol a cold coke will wake me up but a warm one will make me sleepy