aw cool judy i hope u have fun during orientation
LMAO thookatha i was imagining kids playing w/ cardboard boxes LOL hahahaha tahhhhh-LOK! lol huyah i went to hour eyes today and my prescription got worse but only by a little. i went in to take some tests and afterward i sat outside waitin for da dr. i had to take my contacts out for da tests. so da dr comes out and calls my name. and i look around tryin to figure out who called my name LOL he was like over here follow da big blur haha
HAHAHAHA sometimes, i make my kids play with cardboard boxes they have to make things out of cardboard boxes, so technically, ur not wrong on that one either. there are 107 of them. i ain't got money to spend on new things all the time. LOL
btw, ur probably blind b'cuz u stay up watchin' those damn lakorns in the dark. haha
my wisdom tooth is bugging me sometimes too and I know my dentist badly wants to remove it lol I still refuse to have it removed though. I'm scared to undergo a dental surgery

my dear, i refused to take my wisdom teeth out for like a year or two, and now i have to wear braces. so you might want to think about whether u want to keep those buggers lying around. as for the surgery itself, it didn't even hurt that bad afterwards. then again, u might turn out like judyp and be all fine n dandy! haha
i remember when i was little i had to keep going to get my teeth pulled. my mama was like if they didn't pull ur teeth u'd look like a monster LOL
HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA i don't know why i was laughing so hard when i read this. maybe it's because i pictured ur mom having an asian accent and saying u were going to look like a monster. i don't know, but it was hella funny. lol
I used to pull my baby teeth myself when I was a kid lol I don't like going to the dentist before
WTF!! HAHAHAHAHA Damn, ya'll make me laugh so hard.