This or That


sarNie Immature
lol I'm asking that b/c I'm in dilemma about my friend. She's in trouble. I do not know if I should help her, but my other friend suggested to let her boyfriend handle though he's not here with her. :/

You have nothing, how can you be happy. Many will disagree but seriously, money can buy everything today lmao. I'll choose wealth with sadness. ^^

You'll pick the one that love you or the one you love though they won't love you back?


Staff member
^i choose someone loving me over me loving someone .. eventually, i'll grow to love this MR.NICE GUY and it's better to have someone love you more than you love yourself (as long as they're not obsess lmao)

And yes, i agree with the WEALTH filled with sadness b/c in the end of the day, you can always buy things to make you happy and surrounded yourself with people who are fake but among these fakers, there's always one or two who still love you for who you are (hold you dear to their hearts) and if you're poor, no one care despite you being happy .. at the end of the day, you'll stress over life so good choice on this (perhaps, i'm thinking this singularly b/c i like my independence life.)

Living life as a corpse or better off dying young if your lover die before you?

Cupid Candy

sarNie Coma
I guess dying young is better than being a living corpse. But no way would i be so sad and depressed and die off leaving my mother, that's just selfish.

eating raw crocodile meat for the rest of your life or being forever bald?

Cupid Candy

sarNie Coma
urg, that's hard but really in reality i would rather be forever alone. I'd get the cute fake loving guy have a kid with him and take the kid, i would be so busy i would forget about guys.

having a home built on a graveyard or living in a haunted hospital?


sarNie Elites
unhappy family...that way i can still have sex. lmao

look like a supermodel, but only be able to live until 43 or be overweight and unhealthy, but somehow miraculously live until 93


sarNie Elites
15 that i can live off the government and other taxpayers money. lol jk

the ability to fly or win a hundred million dollar lottery

p. Zoua

sarNie Oldmaid
Hip Pop.

Would you rather have a room mate who stays up all night talking on the phone or one who is up all night on the computer? XD

Cupid Candy

sarNie Coma
On the computer, at least they'll be quiet.

Being thrown into a lake full of crocodiles or being stuck for a year with people who have a deadly contagious disease?

p. Zoua

sarNie Oldmaid
OH heck no...LOLXD I'd rather be stuck with people who has contagious least I can still enjoy life...lOl just keep away from them and quarintine myself.XD

would you rather be puked on or would you rather be bullied?