sarNie OldFart
I don't know but my older sister told me that if I bleach my teeth w/ baking soda it'll get a result of whiter teeth. Has anyone tried that? Or does anyone have tips for whiter teeeth?
try these:
Apple Cider Vinegar
Gargle with apple cider vinegar daily especially in the morning. Then ...
thanksss!i use blanx tooth paste and mouthwashes, my teeth are white as anythingi got told using all that baking soda and salt will rot ur teeth more than anything by my dentist
thanks. i have tried whitestrips but it didn't work for some reason!the best, most effective way to go is to go to your dentist and get some whitening treatments...or for the more cost-effective route, dish out about $40 for those home whitening kits from crest or aquafresh...it really provides results within a week or so...
i brought mine from umm some store, but i think u can buy it in any good place or maybe pharmacy is more likely to have it, im not too sure as im not in US. but i know they sell it there. its good stuff my teeth are a lot better than they used to be. a lot stronger too. dentist says i have nice teeth nowthanksss!i think this is the best way for me. can i get at any pharmacy store??