ahaha darn.. if i knew we were able to pick members i wouldve checked earlire ahahahaha...
*coughcough* can i still get a part? if so.. i want to be the one that gets paired up with soohyun since hes the last one ahaha.. and if so, can i change her name to somethin else? ahaha.. i want her name to be Im (last name) Nak-Bin (firt name) .. if you dont mind.. hehe..
I'M sO gLad.....
mY paRT Is sOoo gOOddd..
i'm sOoo aDDictEd tO tHIs fAnFIC.....
mainhiathao..yOU aRE sUcH a gOod wrItEr...
tHank yOU!!!
lOve It!... pLz upDatE "U-kIss mE" on mY page..
Wow, so addicting and it feels like I'm really in the story. I think you should make a movie out of this on youtube! ^_^ Thanks for writing this great series! Loving it so far! ^_^ :wub: