ahahaha! so true! Golf was so mean!..but yet so CUTE!! XD!!...lmao..
hahahahaha....it was so halirious when mike touched peaks arm..and she started screaming in the car!!..hahaha...
i love it when golf & mike they have to go pee very badd and they always make those movements..forgot whats it called..hahaha..lol..
aweee! its so sad how mike was in the rain and he has nowhere to go!!...
i would seriously take mike in!!..
peak and golf is freakin funny too!!...=]
cant wiat for the next episode!! XD!!!
I was afraid of watching this when I first heard news of the lakorn..but the storyline is nice..and considering that I'm a fan of GM..I gave it a shot..and it's not bad..I'm actually looking forward to eppie 2..