Ughh So Freaking Pissed


Staff member
ugh omg im so freaking pissed... a few months ago april i had made a phone payment and like freaking they double charged me ... and what happened was .. i disputed the payment so the bank got my money back.. well last week I see that half of that payment was taken away .. I was like wtf? so I called the bank and they said the merchant actually got the money back I was like wtf? So I call the merchant and they are like we cant refund your money im like why not? because you guys fucking disconnected my phone and shit and took my money I paid it on time but yet my phone was disconnected and not only that you guys charged me TWICE for the payment and now you're trying to take it back... so freaking pissed.. and the bank says they cant do anything about it the only way to resolve it is through the merchant.. biitches ugh ... there goes 118 bucks ... ive tried calling the merchant and they give me this crap about "let us connect you to a supervisor" and then the line drops ... I swear some people are such freaking scammers


Professional Lakorn Watcher
girl, tell me about it!! I don't blame you for being pissed. I too went through hell just to settle something that they messed up!
One time I was on the phone for an hour, and when finally I requested a supervisor, the line went dead! Like they purposely hung up on me.


Staff member
girl i dont even know what im gonna do .. i just wanna let go because its only 118 bucks but then thats like a weeks gas right there and like .. its not the matter of money its the matter of how can people be like this.. ugh .. ugh ! i might just let it go i dont feel like bugging with those retards


sarNie Hatchling
ugh omg im so freaking pissed... a few months ago april i had made a phone payment and like freaking they double charged me ... and what happened was .. i disputed the payment so the bank got my money back.. well last week I see that half of that payment was taken away .. I was like wtf? so I called the bank and they said the merchant actually got the money back I was like wtf? So I call the merchant and they are like we cant refund your money im like why not? because you guys fucking disconnected my phone and shit and took my money I paid it on time but yet my phone was disconnected and not only that you guys charged me TWICE for the payment and now you're trying to take it back... so freaking pissed.. and the bank says they cant do anything about it the only way to resolve it is through the merchant.. biitches ugh ... there goes 118 bucks ... ive tried calling the merchant and they give me this crap about "let us connect you to a supervisor" and then the line drops ... I swear some people are such freaking scammers
Explain to the morons that you need to talk to the manager, and if you get disconnected or if it's not resolved to your satisfaction, you're calling the Better Business Bureau. That might help.


sarNie Hatchling
And never again pay anything directly from your bank account. If you need to pay something over the phone, try credit cards. You have more protection that way.


Professional Lakorn Watcher
Thats your hard earned $118. Is it a cell phone company?? If it is.. try going directly to their store or corporate dealers. When you bitch at them face to face, it makes a difference. It worked for me... hehe...

good luck girl, hope you get your money back...


Staff member
LOL well it was from my credit card and what I mean by going to the bank is that it's a bank credit card "chase credit card" I've threatened them with every legal means possible and they've told me that they cant do anything about it because its been 2 months and any records is probably lost... so I told them well your records may be lost but the records aren't! So they are throwing me around more and more and I don't know im tired of this crap already ... .. ive already told their supervisor... "look you are working for a large corporation if this gets out to their head coordinator that you're trying to stiff a customer and a lawsuit gets out "large corporation gets into a lawsuit battle over 118 dollars how is that gonna make your corporation good" Also don't think that I don't know the law because I do ... and I know damn well that you guys can return my money ... "hold on let me transfer you to my supervisor." Me: NO NO I dont want to be transfered if anything have your damn supervisor come over to your desk! Because I know damned well that I will get disconnected again! .... static ... line dropped <_< why why ok im might just give up

And this wasn't a phone transaction it was a internet transaction -.O


Professional Lakorn Watcher
ahh.. I guess the only thing left to do is count your losses. When this happened to me, I just think of it as charity.. lol..

Since then, I monitor every little transactions I make with these companies.


sarNie Hatchling
LOL well it was from my credit card and what I mean by going to the bank is that it's a bank credit card "chase credit card" I've threatened them with every legal means possible and they've told me that they cant do anything about it because its been 2 months and any records is probably lost... so I told them well your records may be lost but the records aren't! So they are throwing me around more and more and I don't know im tired of this crap already ... .. ive already told their supervisor... "look you are working for a large corporation if this gets out to their head coordinator that you're trying to stiff a customer and a lawsuit gets out "large corporation gets into a lawsuit battle over 118 dollars how is that gonna make your corporation good" Also don't think that I don't know the law because I do ... and I know damn well that you guys can return my money ... "hold on let me transfer you to my supervisor." Me: NO NO I dont want to be transfered if anything have your damn supervisor come over to your desk! Because I know damned well that I will get disconnected again! .... static ... line dropped <_< why why ok im might just give up

And this wasn't a phone transaction it was a internet transaction -.O
Hell, yeah! I would call the BBB on both of them! Get an on-line chat going with Chase and let them know upfront you're calling the BBB if this is not resolve pronto. Tell the phone co the same thing.

I can't believe Chase is that way. I have them for years and never had any problems with them.


Staff member
No no Chase is wonderful but at the same time there is so much they can do you know this is my only bad encounter for like 7 years .. i had them since I was a teenanager with my parents then transfer to my own account but they are normally really good its the stupid phone company... I think im gonan let it go .. my husband told me so .. hes like you're stressed enough already dont stress yourself out more .. your gonna get sicker... we recently found out i had some major health issues and I cant really stress much ... so im tryna calm down.. ill just give it up I guess? sighsss maybe it'll help me out in the long run


Professional Lakorn Watcher
Girl.. if you've tried everything and anything possible already, I guess the best thing is to not stress about it any longer. Think of it as you throwing the dogs a bone. It's not worth your time anymore; you've already done everything you can.


sarNie Hatchling
No no Chase is wonderful but at the same time there is so much they can do you know this is my only bad encounter for like 7 years .. i had them since I was a teenanager with my parents then transfer to my own account but they are normally really good its the stupid phone company... I think im gonan let it go .. my husband told me so .. hes like you're stressed enough already dont stress yourself out more .. your gonna get sicker... we recently found out i had some major health issues and I cant really stress much ... so im tryna calm down.. ill just give it up I guess? sighsss maybe it'll help me out in the long run
Ahhh, I'm sorry to hear you're having health issues. Yeah, don't stress out about. Nothing is worth your health.


118$ IS SO MUCH! you better try to get your money back T_T THOSE A HOLES!