sarNie Granny
Omggg...can't wait!!It's good and luv the characters!!PLease Update sOONN!!
i gotta start reading soon.
lol, you're fanfics are sooo good.
black & white memories rocks.
cant wait!
oH mY gOd...
yOu R sUch a gOod wRiteR.........
i aLsO lOvE tHIs stOrY....
tHe gIrls R sO cUtE.....
ahhaha...LOL..Still good and luvv it.update it!!oh opps i mess up...maybe it was a time when i was replying to a topic..
thanks...the banner is going to be for rule number one with ken and buasure i can...
thanks...the banner is going to be for rule number one with ken and bua
and love the story so far...
wow love it!!!!here you go lady...hope you like it...