sarNie Juvenile
Bieluvr said:For reall. I wanted Reuthainak to end up with Danny instead especially because Lin Lan Ser was so mean and too over prtective of Nak. He even forbid Nak from seeing Danny. I was so upset because obiously Danny was the one who actually went through all the hardships with her, but Lan Ser just came in at the end, yet just for Lan Ser, Nak gave up on Danny. WTH? I will choose Danny if I were her. LOL. Sorry off topic there.
About Ploy, it's true about her ears. LOL. Reminds of Noona's. Ploy looks better with her hair down with curls like how it was mostly in "Kraseu Mahanakorn". She was beautiful in there.
Michelle made me cry along with her in the lakorn that made me hate her so much. "Sapai Sai Lub" She was kind of Rai, but turned good at the end. So far I only know of three of her lakorn. Sapai Sai Lub, Neung Nai Suang, and Singh See Quare (pairing with Phet). I also heard she was going to be in one as n'ek with Mor Kong too. But I'm not sure if its true.
I agree on Mo. She is such a great actress. So is Namtarn.
Film should definitely be p'ek.
Adding more to the list:
Aerin Yoogthatat-She was great from her very first lakorn. Why didn't they make her n'ek already?
Ak Akarat-He can act and he's definitely too cute. He can sing too.LOL (Basically the three things that attract me to an actor)
Wawaa-she used to be promoted, but after Ruk Sudrit, she just disappeared. I think she is really great too.
Gypsy Keerati-Just want to say Wow! Why hasn't she been given n'ek roles. She can act anything.
Pope-just when he was on the rise, he suddenly sunk again. Why?!
Gun Napat. I really want to see more of his acting. I know he's a singer, but i would love to see him act as a p'ek for once.
Back on topic now:
I've only watch Michelle in "Nueng Nai Suang" so I might need to check out "Sapai Sai Lub". I like an actress that can make me cry.
Because of you, I'm now adding Aerin Yookthatat and Pope Tanawat.
Aerin is an amazing Nang Rai. Her facial expression are filled with so much hate that I feel hatred towards her. Haha!
What in the world happened to Pope? I was sure that he'd be a hit after "Samee Thee Thra," but I guess not. He's pure talent. I wonder if it's because of his age... :shrug: