Unforgotten Shadow of love


sarNie Adult
Chapter 5

Amee looked through Facebook for Thi Phets page. Finally she found it. She sent Hun a friend request and then she logged of Facebook and went to bed.
Khun luang sat down at his porch at night and thought of Chapa's words that she said. "Rak is just a word there's no meaning right Khun luang?"
He kept on thinking and he felt bad for Chapa. That he totally forgot about anything.
Fee: Khun Luang? Why aren't you asleep yet?
Khun luang didn't hear Fee.
Khun Luang: A Rai fee??
Fee: I was just telling you to go to sleep its dark already are you going to sleep with ghost outside to night.
Khun Luang: No
Khun luang walked inside the house and went straight to bed.
Fee: oh ho Khun Luang thinking about that girl Chapa right I would never let you be her fiancé


sarNie Adult
Chapter 6
Amee was throwing up after she ate some fried rice with Khun Luang.
Khun luang: Amee why are you throwing up?
Amee: I don't know at all
Khun luang: I think you should go to the docter
Amee: sure but will you take me?
Khun luang: yes I will take you to the hospital Amee.
Khun luang drove Amee to the Bangkok hospital
----- at the hospital ------
Nurse: are you the baby's dad?
Khun Luang: What??
Nurse: Amee has been pregnant for 2 weeks already
Khun Luang: Krub Khun ka
The nurse walked away an Khun Luang thought to his self.
Khun Luang: Have I done anything to her?? No... But she only has me it must be me then.
Amee: Khun Luang are you happy that I am pregnant with you.
Khun Luang: Amee tell me the truth???
Amee: it is your baby
Amee knows that it wasn't not right to lie but she had to lie to Khun Luang because she didn't want them to breakup.
Khun Luang: Its ok the baby is mine. Let's go home and we will marry soon after I talked to my parents ok
Amee: ok Khun Luang. Khun Luang I want to tell that the baby is no...
Khun Luang: don't worry I understand you
Khun luang grab her hand and kiss it and they walked out the hospital.
---------- Chapa's house----------
Chapa: Mae Amee is pregnant with Khun Luang!!
CM: yes Hun
Chapa started crying and her tears started to drop.
CM: Chapa don't cry. He doesn't love you remember that.
Chapa: Mae but I love him.
-------- 4 weeks later ----------
The rain poured down slowly and Amee rushes to the closest house she can find. Amee ran into house and knock the door.
Amee: is anybody home????? Can you please open the door. I need to come in for a little bit!!!
The door open and it was Thi Phet.
Thi Phet: Amee come in why are you outside like this during a rain storm.
Thi Phet took Amee inside his house and he gave her some hot chocolate to drink.
Thi Phet: Amee the rain is not going to stop so I think you should rest here for tonight.
Amee: thank you Thi Phet.
Thi Phet took Amee to the restroom and he told her to rest there. Amee was about to sit on the bed but she slipped on the carpet and Thi Phet grabbed her waist to save her. They I contacted with each other for 1 minute and instead of letting go Thi Phet and Amee slowly walked to the bed and they both slept together.
The next morning Amee woke up and went outside of the house when Thi Phet came running after hugging her outside of the garage door. Suddenly Khun Luang walked by and sees him hugging Amee. Khun Luang was very sad and ran back home.
Khun Luang: Amee WHY!!!!!!! Did she do this to me!!!!!! I broke another women's heart for Amee.
Khun Luang was mad so she called Amee on her phone.
Khun Luang: Is this Amee?
Thi Phet was on Amees phone: This is Thi Phet Amee is still taking a shower.
Khun Luang: can you tell her to come meet me at the Caffe shop 2 hours from now. Tell her that I am Khun Luang.
Thi Phet: ok sure.
--------- 2 hours later--------------
Amee went to the caffe shop and Khun Luang was there.
Amee: what are you telling me why not on the phone.
Khun Luang: We are over for now on. I am not going to live with a women who cheats on me!!!
Amee: then don't then. To tell you the truth My baby is not yours its another guy baby's. so you don't need to worry about marrying. Go back to your Chapa.
Khun Luang was mad and ran out of the shop. Amee was so sad and she cried.
Amee: Khun luang I didn't mean to so anything but my love with you has to end today. I am sorry for everything that I caused you.
------- 7 weeks later Amee married Thi Phet and Khun Luang was still sad. For Chapa she stills love Khun Luang very much but he didn't come back until one day he showed up at her house.
Khun Luang: Chapa will you give me another chance??
Chapa: I am not your kind. Remember what you said the word Rak is not for me and you it's only for Amee and You sorry. Do you think I will love a guy who broke my heart into pieces again.


sarNie Adult
Chapter 7
Khun Luang: I am sorry I promise I wouldn't do that again
Chapa: I was just lying your always welcome back to my heart.
Khun Luang hugged Chapa and they both loved each other so much.

----- 1 month after------
Fee: Khun Luang I don't want you dating Chapa!!!
Khun Luang: why she is my fiancé?
Fee: don't ever talk to her again. I am never letting you take the girl I love again.
Khun Luang: Sorry I love her first.
Fee: Luang!!! I told you to stop then stop.
Khun Luang: then let's see you will Chapa Chose.
Fee: ok fine then.
Khun Luang loved Chapa so much but he couldn't believe that Fee would get in the way. For Fee he loved Chapa so much and would do everything to get her.
The next morning Fee was so mad and got drunk and drove to Chapa's house when Chapa's mom
Wasn't home.
Chapa: Fee why are you here?
Fee: Chapa take me inside.
Chapa: fine come in then
Chapa took Fee inside and they sat on Chapa's sofa. Fee stared at Chapa for along time. Then he leaned towards Chapa.
Chapa: Fee stop don't do this remember that your brother is my fiancé.
Fee: I don't care Iove you
Fee hugged Chapa and he torture Chapa.
Chapa: stop Fee I told you to stop. Fee please stop please Fee!!!!
Chapa cried but Fee didn't care.
------ 2 months later------
Chapa was throwing up so much so she went to the hospital and did a body checkup.
Nurse: Chapa you have been pregnant for 2 months.
Chapa was sad and ran away from the hospital. When Chapa got home her mom was there and she told her mom that she was pregnant her mom got so mad and her mom yelled at her. That night Chapa was so sad and she wrote a letter.

Dear Chalin,
If you read this letter please forgive Fee and Khun Luang for me. I know that you would want to get revenge for me. You told mom that you were going to come back sorry I have no time to welcome you back Chalin.
Love forever,
Chapa Wijiwong
Your forever sister
Chapa slowly hanged up a rope to the ceiling and tied it into a circle. She slowly put her head inside the rope. Chapa slowly closed her eyes. She suddenly died.
----- Chalin arrived to Mrs. Wijiwong's house.
Chalin: Mae I miss you
CM: I miss you to Lin.
Chalin: where is Chapa?
CM: she up in her bedroom. I'll go check on her.
Chalin: its ok Mae I'll go.
Chalin walked upstairs to Chapa's room and open the door she sees nothing put Chapa hanged up in the ceiling.
Chalin: Chapa!!!! Why did you do this why didn't you wait for me to come back.
CM: Chapa!!!!!
Chalin and Mrs.Wijiwong took Chapa to the hospital.
Doctor: Sorry we can't help your sister is already leaving us behind.
Chalin: Chapa!!!!!!!!!
Mrs.Wijiwong and Chalin cried hugging each other.
----- 1 year after-------
Chalin: Mae who torture Chapa?
CM: I don't know I just know that she was pregnant before death.
Chalin: who is Chapa's boyfriend then?
CM: Khun Luang Rompati and his brother Fee Rompati.
Chalin: I will get the revenge back for Chapa
CM: Hun revenge is very dangerous.
Chalin: I don't care Mae these two guys have to get what they did to Chapa.


sarNie Adult
Chapter 8

CM: Chalin it very hard to get revenge Hun. Maybe you can even be hurt even more than them.
Chalin: I don't care about how hurt I am. Chapa has been hurt to much. Mae did they know that she's dead yet.
CM: No. Khun Luang and Fee moved to Bangkok right before the sacrifice of Chapa.
Chalin: Good...
The next morning Chalin packed up her clothes and Chapa's clothes and she went and straightened her hair like Chapa.
CM: Chalin you look so much like your sister.
Chalin: Mae I am leaving to Bangkok today.
CM: ok Hun take care of yourself na ka.
Chalin: Mae I promise I will never let Chapa's enemy go away from my hands. Bye bye ka.
Chalin hugged Mrs.Wijiwong and went outside and drove her car away.
------ bangkok--------
Chalin drove to an apartment that she had called to rent and lived in the apartment. While she was in the apartment she look through Chapa's stuff that she brought with her. First Chalin looked at Chapa's cell phone to get all her friends number. The numbers she found was:
Khun Luang
Boss Yut
That was her the number she got. Suddenly Chalin remembered that She had brought Chapa's picture album with her so Chalin looked through the picture album:
( the pictures will be upload soon )


sarNie Adult
Chapter 9
Chalin: Khun Luang!! You have broke my sisters heart and you made your brother torture my sister!! You will never have happiness in your life.
Chalin was so mad without knowing that Khun Luang didn't do anything at all.
That night Chalin dreamed about Chapa:
Chalin was walking in dark street and Chapa came walking down.
Chapa: Chalin? Why are you here? This place has bad people go back to Chiangmai and live with mom.
Chalin: Chapa, love is more important than danger.


sarNie Adult
Chapa: Chalin you won't listen to me ok. I'll support you you can do it.
------- end of dream------
Chalin woke up and walk to her window. She looked up in the sky then she sees stars. She remembered that when Chapa and she was small they will look at the stars.

The next morning Chalin went to find a job to work at while getting revenge. Chalin was accepted to be a Model for the Tiara Foundation. Chalin didn't know that the Tiara Foundation owner was Khun Luang. Chalin has to model in then next few week without knowing Khun Luang was going to be coming.
------ tiara foundation party of lovely diamonds----
Khun Luang: Sawadee Ka


sarNie Adult
Khun Luang: welcome to my party today. Today you will see beautiful girls wearing beautiful diamonds and pretty pearls.
Chalin: was in the back of the stage.
Chalin: it's khun luang??? What a ugly quote and meaning.
Khun Luang: we will start from here.
The party starts and Chalin was the first one to walk on stage. She walked slowly and khun luang and fee was shock.
Khun Luang and Fee: CHAPA!!
Chalin was angry and looked straight at both of them then she pretend to fall Down stage so they party will be ruined. Chalin fell right into Khun Luang's hand. Chalin and Khun Luang had an eye contract of 5 whole minutes and every one was taking pictures of them.


sarNie Adult
Chapter 10

Chalin walked away from Khun Luang an Fee. Khun Luang missed Chapa so much and ran after Chalin thinking that she was Chapa.
------ chalins condo
Chalin's friend Nu ( Yaya Urassaya ) came to visit her. Since Nu was Chapa's best friend too, Ni knows everything of Chapa.
Chalin: Why did Chapa love Luang so much when he didn't care about her Nu?
Nu: all I know is that Chapa loves him because he was a hero that saved her life and she thinks it was her true love.
Chalin: Nu? Do you have any pictures of all Chapa's friend and the 2 brothers. Today I met them but I got confused who is who? I do have some pictures but I don't know which one is the one who raped Chapa.
Nu: go get the pictures and I will show you who is Fee and Khun Luang.
Chalin went and looked for the photos she brought with her and gave it to Khun Nu.
Nu pointed to the picture of Khun Luang.
Nu: this is Khun Luang the guy that Chapa loves so much. Next to him is his brother Fee.
Chalin: Thanks Nu
After Nu left Chalin went to sleep.
---- chalins dream----
Chapa: P'Chalin please go back home this is to dangerous to stay both of them are not good people


sarNie Adult
Chalin; I won't Chapa, they treated you like a mistress and now they will get it back.
Chapa: Chalin if you want to do it go ahead.
----- end of dream


sarNie Adult
Chapter 11

Khun Luang couldn't sleep when he sees Chalins face he always think it was Chapa. So he called Chalin. But it was Chapas phone number.
Chalin: Sawadee Ja, who is this?
Khun Luang: it's me Khun Luang, how have you've been? That day I am sorry that I ran away from Chiangmai and didn't tell you it was because Fee has some business.
Chalin: Really I thought you and your want to run away from you guys did!!
Khun Luang: Chapa, sorry for what my brother did.
Chalin: you shouldn't say sorry the one who should is FEE and he should say it to his the old Chapa not this new one!!!!!
Khun Luang: do you still love me? Can we start over?
Chalin: Pa, will never love people that hurts her anymore like what she did before!!!! But I know she will give another chance.
Khun Luang: thank you Pa. Rak tur!!! See you at the coffee shop tomorrow.
Chalin: Ka
Chalin was super mad and she cried so hard.
Chalin: Khun Luang and Fee you will see what does it feel like being hurt!!!!


sarNie Adult
Not continuing!!! If anybody wants to read contact me at Chalidaluvprin3@gmail.com or missminty_012@gmail.com I have all the chapters written in my email so I can send it to you because I have a bad home button now so it is different to post


sarNie Adult
Sorry to fans of this FF am deciding to keep it but I won't write it any more and for the people who wants to read it sorry for not sending the whole story because my computer died so the doc that I wrote in was gone so :(((


sarNie Adult
Oh I'm sad I want to read can u send all chapter to my gmail ? My gmai is cocaze43@gmail.com