Upside Down!:: [COMPLETE]


Banner Credits to rahut-rissaya​
Upside Down!
“The girl who only knows one culture has been hit with the realities of New York City”
Starring: Chace Crawford as Nate Crawford
Rita Jensen as Rita Sethsatien
Blake Lively as Blair
Adam Gregory as Ty
Ploy Chermarn as Ploy Sethsatien (only minor)
Note: I wrote this for my English Literature project so it is actually finished lol just editing ^_^

Chapter 1

I did the photoshoot back in April, but I didn’t think it would have made it in to all the major papers in Chiang Mai, but to my luck it did and it was right in front of me at the breakfast table, I didn’t know if I should say anything during breakfast, mum and dad wear just staring at me. I need to break the tension in this room so I thought I should say something “I’m s-“
“Sorry? Rita you’re sorry? I would expect something like this with your sister not my little girl Rita” my dad said to me standing up and slamming his hands on the table making me jump. “Well have you got any thing to say Annabel Louise Sethsatien? Well?” I’m just staring at my dad right now trying to collect my word. “WELL?!” he was still made at this point his face was red with anger. My mum put her hand on his shoulder and whispered something in his ear but I couldn’t hear what she was saying. Then all of a sudden my older sister Ploy Just burst in.

Me and Ploy aren’t exactly close. We’ll were not close at all we don’t even speak we haven’t spoken in 10 years, but everyone who knows us just say it normal between sisters (yeah really normal right?) but it doesn’t really bother me we hardly ever see Ploy now day as she doing what normal 20 years do going to university and going clubbing, where as me 17 year old Annabel Louise Sethsatien has to stay doing what ever my dad tells me. That what makes me and Ploy different she the one who’s get away with everything, and if I do something wrong I’m shipped of to America, to stay with Our Grandma for 3 weeks until I see sense and I get the whole lecture from my dad “ Annabel Louise Sethsatien, how would this look on the family profile? This family has a reputation to live up to”. The only thing my dad cares about it his multi billion pound hotel chain and keeping me under his eye any emotional stuff well that is left with our American mum.

“It’s Grandma” Ploy said when she came bursting in to the dinning room, and then she suddenly stared towards me. I can see at the corner of my eye my dad staring at the floor shaking his head like he was disappointed in me. “She doesn’t sound happy” she still staring then pointed the phone to me “She wants you Rita”. OMG Ploy is actually speaking to me for the first time in what nearly 10 years, it must be something bad.
“Hello Grandma” I said down the phone
“ANNABEL LOUISE SETHSATIEN!” Grandma shouted down the phone then suddenly everyone even the maids where staring at me. She continued “HOW COULD YOU?” she knows but how. There was more “I expect this from your sister not you Annabel. Annabel pass the phone to your mother please” I passed the phone to my mother then all of a sudden my mum’s face went pale I wanted know what was going on I couldn’t hear anything my grandma was saying but thankfully I could hear my mum.“Mom...No you...Yes I understand... I’ll have to talk to Mark...Yes Mom I know... No Mom... she won’t like that”
Alarm where ringing in my head she won’t like what? Now I really want to know what my grandma was saying this is killing me. My mum said something else “Mom she has friend and a life here... MOM!” then that was it she hung up the phone. Wait a minute she hung up the phone on my grandma! It must be serious!

Preview: what was the phone call about?

Anyone want to make a poster? :p
i have a thing for Chace Crawford at the moment lol :p


this sounds soo good, the cast of Gossip Girl too :wub:

here i made you a simple one, i hope you like it.
yep only two though seeing i'm hooked on gossip girl and Chace crawford lol and I LOVE THE BANNER rahut-rissaya thank you :wub:

are u gonna ever update/tell us ur dropping The circus cuz u haven't touched that one in like 4ever???
Don't worry Yes2drama i'm still writting that one i just decided to write the whole thing before i post it coz i know what i'm like lol :p
and thank for reminding me i was actuallyplanning to update that one later on lol :p


Professional Lakorn Watcher
interesting story... what grade did your literature professor give you?

love the poster RR.. your work is getting better each time I see it. It looks like a real movie poster! Chase was so handsome in that movie, "the haunting of molly hartley." But too bad that movie totally sucks.


Chapter 2

Week had passed since the phone call and I was sat in the back of a cab driving to the Upper East Side Manhattan in New York City, I’m looking out the window thinking what everyone at home is doing right now if they were a sleep or if they were thinking of me.

“Mum this isn’t fair. I do one mistake and you’re shipping me off to America for the rest of my life?” I said back home in Chiang Mai crying my eyes out.
“Rita, darling maybe it’s the best you know?” my mum said trying to give me a hug but I just rejected her.
“I do one shoot in my bra? In my bra Mum and I’m wearing full length jeans as well? And you’re shipping me of to New York for the rest of my life? If Ploy did this she would have been given the silent treatment for a week from you and dad but seeing I’m the one in the wrong I’m being shipped off like a parcel. I’m not 12 anymore my like what you and dad used to do when I was naughty send me to grandma for 3 week and everything will be fine. This is my life I have friends here mum friends and boyfriend. A life” I just stared at my mum now and I know she know I was right I could feel the tear coming down on my check and wishing my mum would stick up for me but I know she never would. Then all of a sudden my dad burst in.
“RITA YOU ARE GOING AND THATS THAT!” he shouted to me I was so mad I couldn’t believe what I was gonna say.

“Rita?” I got out the cab and saw my grandma who was wearing this Vintage black cocktail dress which I reckon must have cost a lot.
“Grandma” I replied, she came down the stair of her house (which is stunning by the way) when she came down the stairs she sudden wrapped her arms around me and gave me a big hug.
“Rita dear, I sorry that this is a hello, goodbye moment but I have this function at Eleanor Roosevelt High School” she said
“Shouldn’t I come seeing that’s going to be my new school?”
“Don’t be silly dear, I have to go. Blair will show you around” then all of a sudden my grandma was gone.
“Hi I’m Blair” I turned around to see the blonde haired girl around the same height as me and the same age. “Your grandma’s told me a lot about you.”
I smiled then I followed her up to the house and into the hallway which wasn’t very wide but very long, then up the spiral stair case, which lead to the first floor and off this floor was two rooms she took me to the room on the right.
“This is your room Rita” she said as she opened the door. I walked in behind her my room was massive it was 10 times the size of my room I couldn’t help but open my mouth this room was massive
It must be around 10pm which meant I’d been in this city for 4 hours now just sat on my new king size bed (sorry to blag but it just to be done) I was starting to get hungry so I decided to go down stair, when I got down the stair it was all quiet which meant my grandma wasn’t home yet so I decided to go into the kitchen and to my luck there no food in the hull house. Great there’s no food and I’m staving, I doubt my grandmas gonna have any takeaway menu’s seeing she hate takeout. So there’s only one thing I can do before I stave to death I’m going to have to go out and see if there’s any were open. I’d quickly ran up stair to see to get my purse, went to open the door when all of a sudden.
“BOO” someone suddenly jumped out of know were and I screamed out of my skin. “Jesus Blair I got you big time didn’t I” it was a man and why would he think Blair lived here? Then he came closer to the light “O shit I thought Blair was in”...


interesting story... what grade did your literature professor give you?

love the poster RR.. your work is getting better each time I see it. It looks like a real movie poster! Chase was so handsome in that movie, "the haunting of molly hartley." But too bad that movie totally sucks.
i don't have a professor yet hehe i only have a teacher lol and i'm not sure what grade i got we don't get told till end of August -_-

lol i love Chase in gossip girl he HOT! :drool: haha lol


Chapter 3

I was standing at the door facing every girl dream man; the dark, tall, blue eyed, Mr Darcy with the added facial stubbles.
“Hi I’m Nate Crawford” he has a name shame it’s not Mr. Darcy “It’s very common for you to say your name too” he started to laugh and then I realised I was staring right at him.
“Oh I’m Rita Sethsatien; this is my grandma’s house” I replied to the dead droop gorgeous Nate Crawford “Can I ask why your here so late?” his face went to shock mood. Which made me think it was a stupid question to ask.
“Late? The Night is young” he replied then laughed. In then 2 minutes I’ve spoken to him I’ve realised that she has a great laugh and after smile.
“Nate, is she in or not?” I could hear a mans voice not fare from us
“Are you sure this is the right house Ty?” Nate Shouted, the suddenly I could see a figure in the dark, the he or she (just in case) came running up the steps and yet it was another tall; dark and handsome person suddenly stopped in front of me.
“Yes I’m sure this is the bloody right house. I’ve been here plenty of time.” This Ty man said pointing fingers to Nate but then he turned to me “Who the heck are you?” he asked me not very politely may I add.
“I’m R-“
“This is Rita and this is HER grandma’s house” Nate rudely interrupted me. “So someone’s got the WRONG address”
“I’m I think she might have gone home” I said
“Home, Ha. This is her home” this Ty person said laughing then suddenly his phone went off “Wait! I’ve just a message of Blair, she said she already at the party and that she said we should meet her there”
“Well we should go then this could be a last party before school starts” Nate said then Ty started to walk off and Nate looked straight at me “Do you wanna come?” he asked
“Umm... I better not” I replied
“Fine cya round Rita” then he was gone.
I’ve been in New York for less then four and a half hours and I’ve already learnt three things all me in New York are HOT! Or at least the two I’ve seen and they like to stay up late and last of all that Blair did live with my grandma.

Preview: Rita’s 1st day at Birch Wathen Lenox School

Sorry it's short really short i only got time to edit half of it today So the other half will have to be 2moz :(


Rest of Chapter 3 is in chapter 4 now ^_^

Chapter 4

Grandma didn’t home till late last night, or should I say early this morning? But she was the last thing on my mind the only thing on my mind was that it’s my first day at Birch Wathen Lenox School. Which meant it was the 1st day of academic year even worst my first day as a junior!
“Rita?” there was three knock I presume it was my grandma.
“Come in” I looked up to see it wasn’t my grandma but Blair.
“Hey. Your grandma told me to tell you that she sorry she couldn’t take you for your first day at Birch Wathen but she had someone meeting in Brooklyn, she also wanted me to give this to you” she handed me a school uniform which was a white shirt blue skirt which looked really short “Oh and another thing school starts at 9 am but you have to go to the heads office at 8.30, the schools is on 210 East 77t St.” She added then started to walk out the door.
“Oh OK you not coming?” I asked her before she left my room
She turned around quickly “No I’m uhh... I’ve got dentist”
“Oh ok well I better get ready” I replied Blair walked out the door and I got up and got ready for my first day of a new school year.

I’d been walking for half and hour now but it felt like 6 hours I didn’t know where I was or even if I was still in New York or not, but I could see someone who was wearing the colours as me. So I decided to go up and ask them before I ended up on the other side of America “Excuse me. Do you know were 210 East 77t St is?”
“Yeh I do” he said slowly turning around and to my surprise it was Nate from last night and he was even more gorgeous during the day then he was at night “Hey Rita right, From last night right?” he added. I stood there like an idiot not saying anything “Nate remembers? The one with the rude friend Ty”
“I... I remember I was just kind of shocked you remembered me” I finally came out with probably sounding really stupid.
“Why would I forget a pretty face?”
I just ignored that question and went back to my question “Do you know were 210 East 77t St is?”
“I said yes the first time didn’t I?” he replied then he looked up and down at me and I just stared at him “oh shit sorry It’s your first day isn’t it?”
I just nodded and said “Yes.” Then he suddenly opened a car door (when did that get their or am I just going blind?)
“Get in” he said then I just stared at him then the opened door and then at him again, “Sensible girl, do no the bloke don’t get in the car with him that’s very sensible and wise while your in New York City”
“Exactly. So could you just point me into the right direction and I’ll be off”
“Well it 100 blocks the other direction” he said pointing his finger straight at me “So you can either come in my car and get a lift or walk another hour or so. Maybe get mugged on the way but then again it’s your choice”
Then I looked behind me and thought I might as well get in his car and not get mugged or completely lost and it is my first day and I only have 15 minutes before I have to see the head.

“Ah. Miss Sethsatien am I right?” the Head teacher said. He was a short stubby man, with glasses.
“Yes that right sir” I replied sitting down
“Well Miss Sethsatien I see that you are taking all the required which is good and six extra classes which I see are; Global Dance; Creative Writing; Photography I; History and Film;
Historiography and Modern Imperialism. Am I right?”
“Yes sir”
“I also saw that from your old school that you are a straight A student well I hope that you keep your A’s up here at Birch Wathen Lenox School”
“I hope so to sir”
“Well miss Sethsatien I better let you get to your first lesson” he stood up and walked me to his office door then shock my hand and it suddenly hit me this is my first day of a brand new life.


Chapter 5
New characters:
Annie - AnnaLynne McCord
Sally - Shenae Grimes
Mary - Leighton Meester
Toby - Penn Badgley
^^ All these role are minor but forgot to add them earlier lol​

The tutor time and the first 2 lessons had flied by. I was paired up with a buddy named Annie; she was the same age as me or maybe a couple of months older but you wouldn’t be able to tell you would think she was more like 18 but she was pretty, she also seemed really nice as she said hello to me and asked me if I would like to hang out with her at lunch.
“Do you need to buy any food?” asked me; this time is was a little bit louder and sound more confident in herself.
“Umm... No thank you” I replied.
“Ok then but in future if you do the cafe is right at the end of corridor and to the left.” Annie said pointing across the corridor and to the left. Then she told me “Seeing it’s a beautiful day me and some other decided to go sit outside, is that alright with you?”
I didn’t say anything I just nodded then she started to walk and I followed behind her.
By the time I got outside I had meet Sally & Toby the couple of the group, Mary who live with her dad, Scott the really clever one of the group and Annie she the none rich one she got a scholarship.
“Rita” I heard a mans voice shout my name, but didn’t think anything about it as I know not many people knew me here.
“Rita” I heard again but louder this time, then I saw everyone at the table mouths opened like the were gob smacked.
“Rita, how does Nate Crawford know you?” Sally blurted out.
I didn’t know any Nate Crawford I thought, I know a Nate that came here but I didn’t know a Nate Crawford. So I decided to turn around to see who it was calling my name and it was Nate, So I turned around to face others and everyone was staring at me.
“Well how do you know the most hottest and the most popular person in the school?” Sally said
“Oi” Toby said shoving Sally in the elbow, then sally looked at Toby and shoved him of the bench they were sitting on
“Don’t you Oi me, and I would leave you in a second if I had a chance with Nate Crawford” Sally Shouted at Toby then quickly turns her attention to me with the facial expression well?
“I... I...don’t know-“I started because I got interrupted.
“You don’t know who?” I turned around to see the rude person who interrupted me and it was only Nate to my luck.
“You twat face” Toby said under his breath, Sally then shoved Toby in the elbow again.
“What did you say?” Nate replied starring straight at Toby now
“He said nothing he just been an idiot” Sally quickly said
“Oh ok. Anyhow Rita as the new girl and me being head boy I’m obliged to take you out.” He said quickly sitting down next to me, then I looked at everyone else at the table and their eye were wide and mouths opened, expect Toby who was sulking.


sarNie Granny
YAY more characters :D LOL it was funny how Rita didn't know Nate's lastname.


Writting from a different in 3rd person now :p it's much more easier lol
Chapter 6

Rita was sat at the table in the dinning room with her head on the table slowly falling asleep until she hears the door bell then she quickly get up and runs to the door thinking it was Nate
Rita: [Opens door] Oh it’s you Annie
Annie: don’t act surprised [chuckles] I would have phone but I don’t have your number
Rita: oh sorry I just thought you were someone else
Annie: [Shakes her hear] oh you thought I was Nate right?
Rita: Yes [nodding] I know I know he’s not picking me up till 8 but I’m just so exited [laughs] anyhow how did you know I lived here? And what did you want sorry?
Annie: Well my Mom’s the heads receptionist so I got her to look up your address for me. Hope you don’t mind [starts to stare at the ground] and I was here to talk about Nate.
Rita: [Eye widen] oh come in then [looks over Annie should as she see a car parking in front of the house]
Mary: Hello darling. [Get’s out the car]
Rita: Hello Grandma [Looks back at Annie] well go into the lounge it
When Rita and Annie get in to the lounge the phone starts to ring
Rita: Sorry hold on a minute. [Picks up phone] Hello Rita speaking who may I ask is calling?
Ploy: Rita its Ploy. Is Grandma with you?
Rita: No why?
Ploy: No reason just wondered [Starts to laugh]
Rita: [Rolls Eyes] Oh. So what do you want? Make it quick to I have a friend over [Looks at Annie and smiles]
Ploy: oh fine, I only wanted to know how your first day at school was.
Rita: [Rolls Eyes again] really P’Ploy?
Ploy: no ok. Mom say you’re not replying to her email and Dads is getting angry. Is that true?
Rita: I’ve got no computer yet Grandma’s buying me a new on tomorrow.
Ploy: Oh that a relief anyhow better go got a big date tonight and tell you about it tomorrow. [Put’s phone down]
Rita put the phone down and sat on the seat opposite Annie
Rita: So sorry about that what did you want to tell me again?
Annie: oh yeh it’s about Nate. [Rita’s face starts to spark] he not all he seem to be all that “I’m obliged to take you out” Crap is crap be careful please everyone he ever see always... [Knock on the lounge door]
Rita: Always what? [Another Knock on the door] come in
Blair: [Walks in] Ah here you are Rita. Nate told me all about your hot date tonight fast going for a girl who’s only been here for 5 minutes. [Stares straight to Annie]
Rita: I would say a date so much.
Blair: Anyhow he told me to make sure that you wear something nice that why I’m here now.
Annie: She doesn’t need you help that’s why I’m here [Walks to Rita and put her arm around her shoulder]
Blair: Rita I would much prefer to help you as I know what Nate like.
Rita: [Rita smiles] Sorry Blair but maybe next time ok. Annie did ask first [Lie]
It’s was 7.30 pm now and Rita and Annie was upstairs in Rita’s room. Rita was just finished her shower and walked out her bathroom with just a towel around her body.
Rita: Can I ask why there was so much tension between you and Blair? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.
Annie: [sighs] so what you gonna wear? Are you going for the casual but smart look or the Hot but not looking desperate look?
Rita didn’t say anything about why Annie ignored her question she just thought she would answer it when she trusted Rita a bit more.
Rita: so many looks [both laugh] umm... How about the casual bur smart look?
Annie: [Nodded]
There was a knock on the door
Rita: Who is it?
???: Its Grandma can I come in?
Rita: umm yeh come in.
Mary: [Walk in] Blair told me you got a date tonight so I got Reggie to go out and get you a cell phone
Rita: Oh thank you, but who’s Reggie?
Mary: He’s my driver [sighs] anyhow here you are it that iphone everyone keep going on about.
Rita: thank you Grandma [Gives her Grandma a hug]
Mary: Well that’s ok I should tell you that I haven’t sorted out a curfew yet, so be in by 11.30 pm ok?
Rita: ok [Mary walks out the room]
Annie decided to leave as it was nearly 8pm, but before she did she got Rita’s cell number. So she walked down the spiral stair case quickly hoping not to bump in to Blair but to her luck she did.
Blair: [Pulling Annie into the kitchen] What are you doing here? I thought I told you I never wanted to see you?
Annie: I didn’t know you lived here sorry Blair. [Starts to shake]
Blair: well this better be the last time I see you here you got me?
Annie: [Nods] yes sorry Blair...
It was exactly 8.30 pm now and Nate was waiting out side for Rita, when Rita came down stair she was wearing a white blouse and black shorts

Nate: Wow you look gorgeous
Rita: [Start to blush] thank you. I’m not over dressed or underdressed am I?
Nate: [Shock head] No absolutely not, but you might get cold but never mind you can borrow my jumpers if you do.
Rita: [smile] where are you taking me?
Nate: [Opens passengers seat door] that’s a surprise.
They had been driving for half an hour and Rita had no clue all that it was the shortest car journey she had ever been on. Then the car stopped
Rita: Where are we?
Nate: Central park. I know I know it probably not what you thought I was going to take you but this Is my favourite place in the world and I have a picnic.
Rita: [smiles] No it perfect.
Preview: Will the screte between Annie and Blair be reviled? and who will kiss?

it a longy lol got a bit carried away lol


Chapter 7
It was the day after Rita’s and Nate’s ‘hot’ date. Rita’s Grandma let Rita have a day off school to go shopping for new stuff.
Mary: Rita it’s only for one day. Don’t think I’ll be doing it every day.
Rita: I know Grandma [Rolls eyes] . I would have thought you would have taken me shopping during the weekend.
Mary: [Sighs] I was planning onto but I have to go away during the weekend
Rita: Cool where you going?
Mary: Los Angeles, some conference about a new school the want me to be princible of some ruff end school in Los Angeles.
Rita: Los Angeles? Does that mean I have to move schools again? [Face starts to drop]
Mary: Yes Los Angeles [Rolls eyes] and probably not it’s most likely to be in the next two years and hopefully by them you would be in university. Anyhow we must go now.
Rita and Mary had gone shopping for 4 hours and came back home in a good mood and know that they know each other a lot more now and also with at least 100 bags full of clothes and shoe and somewhere in those bags had Rita’s new laptop that she went to buy or did it?
Blair: [Walks into the room] Wow look at all those bags, did you end up buying what you needed to buy or not?
Mary: yes...well I think so at least [starts to laugh] I don’t actually remember me and Rita had such a good time. I don’t actually remember what we bought.
Someone’s cell suddenly goes off, so everyone get their cells out
Rita: [Looks at cell] Its me [everyone stares at Rita] it’s only Annie she said is it alright for her to come round to give some schoolwork.
Mary: is she the one I saw yesterday for a millisecond?
Rita: Yes that was Grandma
Mary: Well of course she can then, any friends of yours Rita is a friend of mine too.
Rita: [Starts texting Annie]
Blair: [Laughs]
Mary: What’s so funny Blair? I don’t see anything funny do you Rita?
Rita: [Shakes head]
Blair: Umm... err... it... was a text I just got from my friend asking if I can go round hers this weekend.
Mary: oh I was actually hoping you could stay in this weekend.
Blair: umm... why?
Mary: Because I’m going to Los Angeles
Blair: oh what for?
Mary: [Frowns] why do I have to explain myself to you?
Rita: No its ok Grandma I might ask some of my friends to stay over if that ok?
Mary: Oh a slumber party that sounds fun. [front door bell rings]
Rita: I’ll go get it. [leaves the room]
Mary: Blair be a dear and go make me a nice cup of tea [Yawns] I’m tiered now.
Blair: Yes sure Mary.
Rita: [Opens front door] Hey Annie come in
Annie: [walks in] hey I can’t stay long I thought you would like some schoolwork so you don’t get behind [Hands Rita a bag full of work]
Rita: [Takes work] thanks this gives me something to do tonight, oh before I forget I wanted to know what you where doing this weekend?
Annie: oh err... is Blair gonna be here?
Rita: well no she said she going out probably to a party or somthing. Plus I was gonna invite Sally and Mary
Annie: Mary as in your grandma Mary? [ confused look]
Rita: [Laughs] no as in Mary as in school Mary
Annie:[Laughs] oh will have to get a new nickname for Mary [Laughs]
Mary: What you girls laughing about?
Annie & Rita: Nothing Gran-Lockwood
Mary: [Laughs] is your friend staying for dinner Rita?
Rita: [looks at Annie] umm...
Annie: No I promised my Mom I would babysit my little sister sorry maybe on the weekend as I’m staying around. I better go [Shakes Marys hand]
Mary: Oh so quick?
Annie: Yes sorry. [Leave house]
Rita: See you tomorrow.
After a couple of minutes had passed and Annie was walking home when all of a sudden Blair started to catch up with Annie
Blair: Annie wait [Running to Annie]
Annie is just ignoring Blair until Blair caught up with Annie.
Blair: Annie don’t ignore me I thought I told you to not come here again
Annie: [Stops and turn to look at Blair] Blair it easy for you to say but Rita’s my friend now and well I though that friend saw each other.
Blair: It’s to risky.
Annie: How is it risky Blair tell me how?
Blair: People might find out you know about us.
Annie: [Frowns] how Blair? You already have a new life come on not once said hello to me or Mom at school and she’s your Mom to Blair.
Blair: it’s hard ‘Cause I have a new life now and no one know my past.
Annie: what ever Blair you go live your perfect life but don’t forget that you’ve got a scholarship at school too!
Blair: [Slaps Annie]
It was the next and last day of school for the weekend and Rita had done all her work Annie and given her and was exited to see Nate today if she actually got to she him.
Nate: Are you ignoring me? [Put arms around Rita]
Rita: [Looks at the arms around her] umm no I don’t think so [turns around to see it’s Nate]
Nate: I think you are
Rita: I don’t think I am
Nate: [laughs] Anyway what you doing this weekend?
Rita: Nothing [Thinks]
Nate: Great I’m taking you out then Friday cool with you?
Rita: yeh it’s fine with me where you taking me then?
Nate: It’s a surprise! [kisses Rita on the check and walks away]
Then Rita suddenly falls back against the lockers.
Sally: [Runs to Rita] What happened?
Toby: [come up behind Sally] She just got kissed by Nate.
Sally: Go figure [Rolls eyes] but isn’t it a bit fast? You’ve been her what 2 day’s and your already making out with the hottest guys in school?
Rita: [blushes] I guess but I dunno.
Sally: Dunno what? [lesson bell goes] saved by the bell. Will talk more on Saturday if it’s alright for me to come over still?
Rita: Did Annie tell you then?
Sally: Yeh is it alright?
Rita: Yeh sure can you tell Mary for me to please.
Sally: Yeh. Cya at break and text you during English.
Rita: Yeh alright. [Walks away]

Preview: Rita face’s the truth on Friday *Hint Nate*
Sally, Annie, Mary (friend) & even Toby plot a plan



I couldn't add about the plan otherwise this chapter would have been extra long lol but it defo in the next chapter lol​

Chapter 8
Friday was quick school ended quickly and Rita had her date with Nate. Rita, Annie & Sally were all sitting in Rita’s bedroom
Rita: Wow today went quick
Annie: Ha! No it the slowest day of my life.
Rita: Come on Annie it went quick. Don’t you think Sally? [Looks to Sally]
Sally: No it only went quick for you ‘Causes you have your hot date with Nate [Laughs]
Rita: [Laughs]
Annie: [Rolls Eyes] God I almost forgot about that NOT! You two been talking about every 5 minutes on the way here [Sighs]
Rita and Sally: [Laugh]
Then suddenly someone’s cell went off and everyone got theirs cells out
Rita: [Looks at phone] It’s me. It’s Nate. He said wear something fancy.
Sally & Annie: [Look at each other] Fancy?
Rita: [Looks at both of them] Yeh something fancy that what he said look [shows Annie and Sally message]
Sally: Text him back and ask what he means by ‘Fancy’
Rita looks at Annie then back at Sally confused
Sally: [Rolls eyes] he could mean fancy dress or fancy as in dress and high heals
Rita: Oh ok [Text Nate back]
Annie: what happens if he means dress and high heals do you have anything?
Rita: Yeh. I have this really nice dress. [Looks at phone] he’s text me back saying ha lol dress and heals see you in and hour and he put a little kiss aww.
Annie: [Rolls eyes]
Sally: AN HOUR?
Rita: Yes 1 hour [laughs]
Sally: well come on the let get you ready!
Rita: Alright Mother. [Everyone laughs]
An hour had flied by yet again Sally and Annie had gone by now.
Mary: Rita there someone at the door for you dear his dresses in a tuxedo it not your prom is it?
Rita can down the stair ignoring her Grandma’s question wearing a Elegant Ivory Prom Gowns by Jovani

Nate: [Eyes widen] Wow you look stunning
Rita: [Blushes] I’m not over dressed and I have some casual as well if you want me to get dressed.
Nate: No you look prefect the way you are but you might need those later.
Rita: Why were we going later?
Nate: it’s a surprise like I said.
Rita: [Blushes]
Nate: Where here you I’ll show you to the bathroom so you can get dressed.
Rita: [Looks out car window] where are we?
Nate: [Rolls eyes] where at the loft in Brooklyn it my mates place he throwing a party parents away for a week and all so have to have a party.
Rita: But I thought we were going some where nice?
Nate: That was a cover [Laughs] you need to learn how to party Rita this is New York [Gets out of car]
Rita: [Gets out of car]
An hour had passed since Rita and Nate got here. Nate showed Rita to the bathroom so Rita could get dressed in to her jeans and t-shirt then he showed her into a room and told her to wait there and that he would only be a minute he wasn’t he was gone for an hour and Rita decided to go look for him.
Rita: [Gets up]
Nate: [Walks in] Where do you think your going?
Rita: To look for you [Smiles]
Nate: how sweet well I’m here now.
Nate walks up to Rita and grabs her you the waist and pull Rita to him and starts kissing her. Then he starts going up her t-shirt with his hand, then he unhooks her bra and suddenly Rita pushes away.
Rita: What you doing?
Nate doesn’t say anything and pulls Rita close to him again then starts putting his hands down her trousers. But Rita pushes him away good this time and Nate falls on the floor
Rita: WHAT ARE YOU DOING MORE LIKE! [Hooks her bra back]
Nate: Come on Rita you were gagging for it I saw the way you looked at me when we first meet.
Rita: [Confused] The way I looked at you? I looked at you anyway I look at people.
Nate: [Laughs] you are well up for it Rita come on [gets up]
Rita: [Pushes him down again] I’ve know you 5 minutes and I’m not that kind of GIRL! [Starts to walk to the door]
Nate: Ha whatever your not my type your just the first that never succeeded. [Get’s up]
Rita: [Stops and turns around] Never succeeded?
Nate: You’re a dare [Laugh] you don’t think I would actually go out with a girl like you do you? Yeh your pretty but your not my type [Laughs again]
Rita was mad now she got the vase full of water near her and chucked the water at Nate and dropped the vase on the floor and walked out.
Rita had been walking what felt like an hour but when she took her phone out to phone Sally she saw that she’d only been walking for 15 minutes.
Rita: [Phones Sally]
Sally: [Answers phone] Hello
Rita: Sally it Rita [Burst out crying]
Sally: Rita what’s wrong? [Starts to panic]
Rita: Everything! Can you pick me up? [Wipes tears]
Sally: Yeh were are you?
Rita: In Brooklyn
Sally: BROOKLYN! Oh wait were about?
Rita: I have no clue [Burst out in tears again]
Sally: Ok Ok is there a dinner near you open?
Rita: Yes [wipes tears]
Sally: What’s it called?
Rita: 24-7 cafe
Sally: [Thinks] go in there and I’ll get Toby to pick you up I think that’s near him.
Rita: Ok [Sniffles]
Sally: Tell him to bring you to mine you can’t go home in your state.
Rita: [Sniffles] ok.
Rita waited in the Cafe for what felt ages before Toby came when he did come he came with a jacket which looked like Rita’s which she left at the party and he told her it was hers and that it was her brother Ty’s Party.
When Rita & Ty got to Sally house sally came out with opened arms and gave Rita a big hug.
Rita: He said I have a dare [Sniffles]
Sally: The twat
Toby: [butts in] A dare? [Thinks] what else did he say?
Rita: [Looks at Toby confused] that I was gagging for it the first time we meet.
Sally: [Looks at Toby]
Toby: Was my brother there?
Rita: who?
Toby: oh my brother Ty?
Rita: [Thinks] Yes
Toby: Oh shit
Rita: What?
Preview: Sally, Annie, Mary (friend) & even Toby plot a plan, What will Rita think of it?