Upside Down!:: [COMPLETE]


Chapter 9

Rita was sat in Sally bedroom with Sally and Toby then Mary and Annie showed up.
Toby: [Changes subject] oh look Mary and Annie are here [Smiles warily]
Rita: [Frowns] Don’t change the subject Toby tell me what you where gonna say!
Sally: I second that
Toby: Maybe tomorrow yeh?
Rita: [gets up] NO TELL ME NOW!
Toby: [Starts to go pale] Ok fine I’ll tell you but sit down your making me feel scared
Rita: [Frowns at Toby then sits down]
Toby: Ok he told you. You where a dare right?
Rita: [Nods]
Toby: Well it true you where, they do it to every new girl that come to the school.
Everyone stars at Toby except Annie.
Toby: It like a test if you pass your become on off the popular lot and if you fall well that a different story.
Rita: So you’re saying if I slept with him I would have passed?
Toby: [Shakes head] No they wouldn’t have slept with you they would have seen how fare you went.
Sally: [Turns to Annie] You alright Annie?
Annie: [Nods]
Mary: That is sick
Rita: What happens if...well you know
Toby: Well that the thing I’m not sure it changes.
Sally: How do you mean?
Annie: [Interrupts] If you don’t agree with them then they can find out your deepest secrets and hunt you with it for the rest of your school life.
Rita: [turn to Annie] Nate’s done this to you too?
Annie: [Shakes head] No not Nate by his best friend Ty.
Toby: It changes it can be Nate then Ty
Mary: What they dig on you then Annie ‘Cause I’ve not heard it.
Sally: Same here.
Annie: [Changes Subject] I reckon we should get back at them.
Toby: I second that!
Mary: What would we do? These boys are the most popular kid in New York and the richest!
Toby: and who has the most powerful Grandma in New York? [Turns to Rita]
Annie: Rita!
Rita: [Looks up]
Sally: well what you gonna do? I know your planning something Toby so cough up
Toby: Ok so this is going to sound lame. I think it these entire bloody chick flicks you girls make me watch.
Sally: [butts in] Shut up Toby and just tell us the plan.
Toby: [Glares al Sally] I was getting to it. Anyhow I think we should turn someone [looks at Rita] into the most popular girl in school and mash up Nate and my twat of a brother
Mary: Shit Toby that good.
Toby: I know
Sally: How are you planning on doing this? And who gonna do this?
Toby: [Rolls eyes] Rita of course
Rita: [Looks at Toby] I don’t think so get someone else to do it I’m emotionally scared
Toby: No it has to be you! The new girl
Annie: it not gonna work unless... nothing
Sally: Unless what?
Annie: Nothing
Sally: Tell me Annie
Annie: OK, OK, we make Rita the most popular girl in school which means new wardrobe, and everything!
Rita: do I get a say in this?
Toby, Sally, Annie & Mary: No
Sally: [Thinks] OMG this could actually work us girls are at Rita’s all weekend tomorrow if we get up early we can go shopping and get your nails done your hair can stay the same though. OMG this could so work!
Rita: I could phone my dad tonight to transfer some money to my account and then that would be though by tomorrow [Quickly puts hand to her mouth]
Toby: [laughs] She warming up already. [Looks at watch] look at the time it’s 11.30 pm already I’ll pick you girls up at 11am [walks out room]
Rita: [On Phone] Hello Dad?
Rita’s dad: Rita long time no hear [Laughs]
Rita: That not funny. I’ve got a question to ask you.
Rita’s Dad: [Changes subject] what you doing up so late?
Rita: Dad don’t change the subject. Can you transfer $50,000 into my bank please?
Rita’s Dad: Another $50,000?
Rita: What do you mean another?
Rita’s dad: well I only put $ 50,000 into your bank today because your mother made me.
Rita: Oh then no need to then thanks dad say thanks to mom for me too.
Rita Dad: Don’t you want to talk to her?
Rita: [Yawns] No I’ll phone soon cya [Puts phone down]


Chapter 10

Rita, Annie and Mary had spent the night at Sally’s house as it was to late for
all of them to go home it was early morning when all the girls where up except
Rita who was pretending to sleep so it would be to late to go shopping.
Sally: Rita...Rita, Wake up...
Mary: [Walks in with a mug full of water] God that’s not gonna work. But this is [Tips water on Rita’s face]
Rita: [Screams]
Annie: Rita it ok it’s only water. [Looks at Mary] That is out of order
Mary: [Shrugs shoulders] so it worked
Sally: [Laughs] is she up or do we need a bucket this time
Rita: I’m up now, what’s the time?
Annie: I think around 10
Sally: And Toby’s coming in an hour
Rita: oh what for?
Mary: Don’t tell me you’ve forgot?
Rita: What?
Sally: OMG she has and all. Remember Rita are plan?
Rita: [Thinks] Oh that I know about that just hoping you would forget. [Walks out the room]
Sally: Where you going?
Rita: For a shower.

They have been shopping for 6 hours now and they were sat in a cafe.
Mary: So we’ve got your nails done, clothes, accessories, what about Rita’s hair?
Annie: Nothing it looks nice short and it pretty makes her look mature.
Sally: I second that.
Rita: is there anything else we need to do?
Sally: [Thinks]
Annie: [Thinks]
Mary: Personality!
Sally: Whatever for?
Mary: Duh if she goes in the way she is now she’ll be eaten alive
Annie: she’s right but we should talk about the tonight.
Rita: I’m not changing everything about me I’m not a fake person
Sally: [sighs] I know that we not going to make you completely fake.
Rita: Good anyhow anything else?
Toby: [Walks in] You ready to go then girls?
Sally: [Ignores Toby] No I think we’ve got everything I’m knackered.

[2 days later]
It was Monday already Rita felt really nervous about going into school
with her new look. All she wanted to do was go into college with just her
jeans and t-shirt but she knew she was doing for all the girls who get hurt by jerks like Nate and Ty.
Rita’s phone goes off
Rita: [Answers phone] hello
Sally: [On the other end of the phone] Rita what you going to wear
Rita: Dunno I was gonna wear those gray trousers with that new tank top and a jacket seeing its cold today.
Sally: Great your, gonna look hot. Oh by the way what did you grandma say about you not coming home Friday?
Rita: [Sighs] I’m nothing really I didn’t tell her the whole story just that me and Nate want be seeing each other again and I stayed at yours.
Sally: Oh great better go cya in English.
Rita: Cya in English [Put’s phone down]

Rita arrived at school a couple of minutes late when she got to school she ran to tutor.
While she was running she bumped into someone and fell on top of them and there lips touched Rita got up suddenly got up.
Rita: I’m so sorry I was in a rush to tutor. [Sees it Nate]
Nate: [Looks up] YOU! [Brushes self] why you late anyway it’s a automatic detention
Nate: [stars at her] You find I can being head boy and everything.
Rita: [Glares at Nate]
Nate: Well if you don’t want another detention then I suggest you better go to class.
Rita: FINE [walks of a nudges Nate in the shoulder]

Preview: Who will Rita find in detention?

I might get chapter 11 up later today seeing i didn't update yesterday ^_^​


Chapter 11

It was lunch time and Rita was still mad about what Nate had done to her. She stormed into the cafeteria were she saw Sally and Mary.
Sally: Hey, What’s wrong?
Rita: That Asshole that immature git that bastard that [Clinches fist] THAT...THAT
Mary: [see’s Rita’s fists] Animal?
Rita: ANIMAL!!!
Sally: I see you mean Nate?
Rita: [Sat down] Yes he gave me a flipping detention for being 2 minutes late. 2 f’ing minutes do you believe that?
Sally: No I don’t that bastard
Mary: Annie told me at 1st break she said you kissed him to.
Sally: [looks at Rita confused] so much for we’re gonna get him back
Rita: Oh shit I forgot about that. I nothing Sally I bumped into him and we feel so it doesn’t count as a kiss.
Sally: [Sighs] anyhow when’s you detention?
Rita: Today, but do you know what this has made me want to get back at him so much more [Narrow eyes]
Mary: I hope so to.
Rita: Anyhow where’s Annie? Oh and Toby?
Sally: Toby’s got lunch time detention coz... I actually don’t know. And Annie is the library she got the maths test next.
Mary: that what they want you to think maybe Annie & Toby are have hot passionate sex the janitor’s closet.
Sally: [Shoves Mary] Shut up Mary you’re not funny. [Looks at phone] oh look at the time Rita we better go we’ve got English. [Pulls Rita away]

The rest of the day went slow for Rita. She was on her way to Detention
Toby: Rita
Rita: Hey.
Toby: Do you need a lift home?
Rita: umm no thanks I’ve got detention
Toby: Not been here longer then a week and you got detention?
Rita: [Laughs] well it all part of then plan
Toby: [Laughs] oh look whose coming
Nate: shouldn’t you been in Detention Rita?
Rita: uhh... Yes
Toby: Give her a break she just going. I better go taken Sally out for ice cream
Rita: aww lucky make sure you both eat loads for me [Laughs]
Nate: Rita do you want another Detention?
Rita: Yes I’m going. [walks off]

Rita arrived at detention on time and just as her dad get worse she sees Ty in Detention as well!
Rita: Oh God [Notices Ty]
Teacher: What was that?
Rita: [looks at teacher] Oh sorry nothing. I’m Rita Sethsatien [Hands Detention slip]
Teacher: Miss Sethsatien, take a seat and get on with any work that needs to be done.
Rita looks around to see if theirs any spare seat but the was only one seat that was left and that was next to Ty
Teacher: Miss Sethsatien please take a seat or would you like another Detention?
Rita: No sir [Walks and sits down next to Ty]
Ty: [Looks at Rita]
Rita: What?
Ty: [Looks away] Nothing
Rita: Better not be. [get’s work out]
Teacher: Quiet at the back
Ty: [talks to self] New girl been here 5 minutes and already got detention
Rita: Well it you asshole of a best mate who gave me it. And didn’t you know talking to your self is the 1st sign of madness [Giggles]
Ty: Whatever
Rita: Oh no there’s another sign [Laughs]
Everyone turns around
Rita: Sorry Sir want happen again.
Ty: [Whispers] You’re not funny.
Rita: [Whispers] Well I think I am.
Ty: Whatever [goes back to doing work]
Rita: [Starts to go some work]
An hour had gone by really quick for Rita.
Teacher: Rita and Ty you two can go now
Rita quickly packed her stuff away and so did Ty and then they both left the class room, they both walked to the school car park together but didn’t say a word until they got outside
Rita: Shit it’s raining [Phone goes off] Hello
Rita’s Grandma: Rita it Grandma I can’t pick you up sorry I’ve had to go to LA again this time for a week but I transferred some money into your bank so you can buy some food ok? Got to go cya [hangs up]
Rita: Great it raining I have no way getting home.
Ty: Hey, Do you want a lift?
Rita: [Stares at him] No I’ll phone Toby I expect he’ll give me a lift
Ty: Well that would be hard seeing he in New Jersey with our dad.
Rita: I’ll walk then [Starts to walk]
Ty: [Grabs Rita’s arm]
Rita: [Turns around] Let go of me
Ty: [Let’s go] Please let me give you a lift home it better then getting ill.
Rita: Fine
Ty: You wait here and I’ll get my car [Goes and get’s car]

Preview: A Kiss


sarNie Juvenile
Hmmm..... I wonder if Ty is starting to like Rita or just going ahead with Chance and his plan on the new girl.



Theres no kiss in this chapter i got mixed up while editing ;) but it in the next one ^_^

Chapter 12

The next day Rita was left feeling confused on why Ty was being nice to her.
[Phone rings]
Rita: [Answers phone] Hello
Toby: Hey Rita its Toby.
Rita: Hey how was New Jersey
Toby: New Jersey?
Rita: Yeh Ty told me you were in New Jersey
Toby: Ty? New Jersey?
Sally: [in the back ground] What about Ty and New Jersey?
Toby: I’m not sure Sally
Rita: Ty gave me a lift home yesterday because it was rain I was going to call you but he said you were in New Jersey
Ty: [Confused] Why would-
Sally: [Takes phone off Toby] Hey Rita it’s Sally
Rita: Hey Sally [Smiles]
Sally: We’re talk about Ty later, do you need a lift to school coz it’s tipping it down outside and I’ve created time line.
Rita: Yeh that would be cool and what’s the time line for?
Sally: All will be revealed at break when everyone’s around anyhow my Mom also asked if you want to stay around mine for a week seeing your Grandma’s out of town.
Toby: [Takes phone back] Rita will see you in 10 minutes bye [Puts phone down]
Rita: Bye [Put phone down]

[15 Minutes later]
Toby and sally had picked Rita up like planed
Sally: So this time line is perfect we are so gonna get Nate to fall in love with you by the Winter dance.
Rita: Winter dance?
Sally: Well we don’t have a spring dance no more we have a winter one our school is weird!
Rita: Oh
Toby: [Laughs] Anyway about my brother why is he being nice to you?
Sally: TOBY! [nudges him]
Toby: That hurt! And I didn’t mean it like that anyhow I mean why he is being nice to after you rejected his best mate and why lie?
Sally: [Sigh] oh wouldn’t be nice to Rita? She hot! Now if I was a dude I would so-
Toby: SALLY! You should your not a lesbian?
Sally: Yes I am!
Rita: [Laughs] You are a lesbian?
Sally: [Stares at Rita] No I’m not a lesbian I was just saying
Rita: [Laughs]
Toby: [Laughs] anyhow back to my brother.
Sally: Yes back to him!
Rita: it was raining and my Grandma said her driver couldn’t pick me up
Sally: you could have phoned Toby!
Toby: I was out of town from what my brother said
Sally: I thought you said you hated Nate & Ty
Rita: I said I hate Nate but don’t remember saying I hate Ty.
Sally: Well-
Rita: oh look we’ve stopped and right outside school [Gets out of car]
Sally: she got something up her sleeve and I’m gonna find out what...
Toby: [Rolls Eyes] everyone has a plan with you [Get out car] come on will be late
Sally: Fine [Gets out car]

It was lunch already and Rita was on her way to meet Annie for dance practice when she got stopped by Ty & Nate
Ty: Hey Rita
Rita: [Looks at Ty then Nate] Hey thanks for the ride again
Ty: Your welcome oh and Nate has something to say [Nudges Nate]
Nate [Sighs] Yeah I’m sorry for giving you detention yesterday
Rita: That ok but I have to go got dance rehearsal and got to see my AP English teacher so cya around [Walks off]​


Chapter 13

When Rita got home from school she didn’t know if she wanted to cry or scream from the bad news she got from her AP English teacher so she decided to phone Annie.
Rita: [Dials number]
Annie: [Answers phone] Hello
Rita: Annie you’re never guess what?
Annie: What?
Rita: do you want good new or bad news first?
Annie: Good?
Rita: I’ve been put in senior’s AP English class coz I’m ahead of you lot in AP English
Annie: that great new so what the bad then?
Rita: Mr. Smith my English teacher said that I’m going to be paired up with Nate [sighs] for the assignment.
Annie: [Thinks] Well Sally will be happy [Laughs]
Rita: [Rolls eyes] Yeh I guess. I’ve been invited around for dinner by Toby’s Mom.
Annie: When?
Rita: When I saw her while I was walking home. Ty was in the car too. [Giggles]
Annie: What was that giggle for?
Rita: [Changes subject] I better go anyway I’ve got to get out of my uniform and have a shower but I’ll see you tomorrow
Annie: fine I want all the details during tutorial tomorrow
Rita: OK I’ll cya tomorrow [Put’s phone down]
Annie: [Puts phone down]

It was 7.30pm Rita was walking out the door as she needed to get the tube to Brooklyn. When she walked out the door she saw a car outside the house she tilted her head a little to see if she knew the car but she decided to see if anyone was in the car, and there was she knocked on the window.
Rita: [Knocks on window] Hello?
The person turned around and it no other then Nate. Nate put the window down.
Nate: Don’t put your hopes up I’m here to pick Blair up
Rita: [Thinks] I don’t care [starts to walk off]
Nate jumps out off the car and runs after Rita. Rita turns around as she can hear someone following her.
Rita: [Turns around] Why are you following me?
Nate: [Thinks] umm... it’s a free country
Rita: Your find it not you have to pay taxes!
Nate: I’m 18 and in school so your find I don’t!
Rita: Right I forgot your 18 I thought you were 5!
Nate: [Stares] That’s not funny
Rita: [Laughs] I think it was [sees Blair] Oh look your date has arrived
Nate: [Turns around]
Rita: starts to walk off when Blair calls her.
Blair: Rita.
Rita: [Sighs and turns around] Yes?
Blair: do you want a lift to Ty’s house?
Rita: [confused]
Blair: Don’t look so confused he just phoned me. He said he didn’t want you to get the tube.
Rita: Oh [looks at Nate] how sweet [smiles] thanks you. [Pushes passed Nate]

In the car on the way to Ty’s house Rita could see Nate looking at her though the review mirror Rita looked up and they glared at each other but only for a second when Blair started talking.
Blair: Rita so you know no hard feeling me and Ty only had a thing for 3 weeks
Rita didn’t know what to say but before she could the car suddenly stopped she looked out the window to see that she was already at Ty’s house
Rita: [Opens car door] Thanks for the ride [starts to get out car]
Nate: Do you have a ride?
Rita: umm... no I’ll get a cap or something but thank you
Nate: OK then.

After the dinner Ty walked Rita outside. They were holding hands
Rita: [Smiles] Tell your Mom thanks again for a lovely meal
Ty: I can’t tell her that
Rita: Why not?
Ty: she’ll get big headed [Laughs]
Rita: [Giggles] they say I healthy to be big headed once in awhile
Ty: What if I tell your beautiful again?
Rita: [Blushes] I might actually believe you [Giggles]
Ty: [laughs] You should coz you are.
Rita: I better
She start to walk off but Ty pulls her in and then he starts to kiss her Rita quickly pulled away and touched her lips but she knew she didn’t feel anything of the kiss she felt it more like her kissing mud.
Rita: Umm... I better go [Walks off quickly]
Ty: Rita... RITA.
Rita just ignored Ty and kept walking.

While walking Rita could hear a car following her she didn’t know if she was just being silly or there is someone following her so she decided to start running the fast she ran the quicker the car followed...

Preview who’s following Rita?


Chapter 14

Rita was still running and the car was following her but then the car suddenly stopped and Rita sprinted for it but then she could hear someone running behind her and then they grabbed her arm and she turned around.
???: Rita it’s me –
But before they could say their name Rita had fainted

[Next day]
When Rita woke up she looked around the room to see that it wasn’t her room or her house, so she looked under the cover but she wasn’t wearing her PJs she wasn’t in anyone’s PJs she was wearing someone’s shirt and boxers she quickly jumped out of the bed. When Rita jumped off the bed she tripped over someone she didn’t know who and she didn’t want to know either all she did was scream! The person she tripped over quickly woke up and put their hand over Rita’s mouth.
???: [Put hand on Rita’s mouth] Be Quiet please before you wake the whole house!
Rita finally turned around to see who that asshole was that kidnapped her was when she turned around she was surprised (or was she?) to see that it was Nate. She bite his hand and he realised his hand quickly Rita pushed him away and got up
Rita grabs her cloths and runs out the room
Nate:[Gets up] Rita..I... Didn’t do anything
But it was too late Rita was already gone.


By the time Rita got home she was in tears.
[Phone rings]
Rita: [Answers phone] Hello? [Wipes tears]
Annie: Rita: What’s up? You ok?
Rita: I’ll see you in a bit [Hangs up]

Rita didn’t turn up for school until AP English but she didn’t want to go to school at all knowing that today was her first day at senior AP English and her she was being paired up with Nate.

While Rita was walking though the corridor someone pulled her into the boy’s toilet she looked to se who it was and it was Nate she pushed him off her.
Nate: Rita please listen please just one minute
Rita: [Thinks] OK you got a minute!
Nate: I didn’t do anything to you I promise. I-
Rita: why should I believe you?
Nate: listen. I saw you walking and I did call your name but you didn’t hear me and then I started running after you and I grabbed you and then you kind of fainted well you did faint, so I took you back to my house and I swear on my whole families life [Looks in to Rita’s eyes] I did not touch you I didn’t get you dressed my sister did and the reason you where wearing my boxer and shirt was because well my sister couldn’t be bothered to get her PJs.
Rita didn’t know if she should believe him but she always got told to believe people who look into you eyes.
Rita: Is that it?
Nate: [Nodded] Yeh.
Rita: cya in English I need to sign in... [Walks off]

English was long and boring they all got they’re assignment Rita & Nate got ‘love’ which they had to tell a story of they new/old love lives and compare them. Rita and Nate where sitting in the cafe talking about their assignment
Rita: love!
Nate: love!
Rita: [Sighs] This is gonna suck
Nate: yep
Ty walked up behind Rita and kissed her on the check.
Ty: hey beautiful
Rita: [Pushes Ty off] hey.
Ty: so I was thinking now we’re an item that –
Rita: [Eyes widen] we’re what?
Ty: An item
Nate: [Face falls]
Rita: I don’t think we are
Nate: [Sighs with relief]
Ty: what about the yesterday?
Rita: we kissed deal I’m off me and you think I would really date you and him [Points at Nate] after what you did to me?
Ty: but the kiss?
Rita: was like kissing soil! [Stands up] I’m OFF me especially NEW YORK MEN! If I live another year here I swear I’ll end up a lesbian! [Walks off] MEN!

NOTE: This should be ending at 20 chapters ^_^​


Chapter 15
(Short one)

[Two days later]
Rita was sat on her bed looking though her assignment on ‘love’ when then there was a knock on the door.
Rita: Who is it?
???: A boy [Giggles]
Rita thinks for a moment as she knew that voice was.
Rita: Nate?
Nate: Yeh. Can I come in?
Rita: Err [Looks at her self] umm... yeh [get off the bed]
Nate: [Walks in] I know this is a bad time and everything, but I was wondering if we could go over the assignment
Rita: Sure I was thinking the same thing.
Nate: Great. [Sits on chair] So what did you put down on that paper?
Rita: [Looks at blank paper] nothing I was gonna right everything about love but then I realised I’ve never been in love. [Sighs]
Nate: Ah. I see well it’s the same here.
Rita: [under her breath] well wonder why...
Nate: What was that?
Rita: Err... Nothing just... Nothing [Blushes]
Nate: Good [Laughs] anyhow what an assignment right?
Rita: I guess anyhow what do you think the word love means?
Nate: [Blushes] you first
Rita: [Rolls eyes] ok I think the word love means deep affection or strong attraction between two people.
Nate: same here!
Rita: [Looks at him and smiles] OK.
Nate: So... I was wondering if you had gone off all boys...
Rita: [Looks at Nate] Well no just New York’s ones
Nate: Ah good!
Rita: What do you mean good?
Nate: err... nothing... well I’m not actually a New York boy well I am but I was born and raised in Boston until 4 years ago
Rita: And? I care because?
Nate: Well I know I’ve been really horrible to you Rita but when I heard you kissed Ty yesterday I got this weird feeling a bit like jealousy and I’ve never got that before.
Rita: [Blushes]
Nate: I was wondering if you’d be my girlfriend
Rita: ...
Nate: oh that not a good sign all I ask for is a second chance doesn’t everyone deserve a second chance?
Rita: Yes bu-
Before Rita finished her sentence Nate walked up to her and kissed her. Rita had weird feeling inside she enjoyed the kiss she wrapped her arm around Nate and allowed him to keep kissing her.

Preview: Rita’s and Nate’s ‘first’ official date as Boy/girlfriend.
Ty over hears Toby & Sally

NOTE: I've changed my mind lolz this is gonna end at chapter 17 or 18 ^_^


Chapter 16

It was Rita’s and Nate big first official date.
Nate: So where would you like to go?
Rita: I dunno [shrugs shoulders] how about there [Points]
Nate: [Looks] McDonalds’? out of the romantic places in new York you chose McDonalds’?
Rita: What can I say I’m easily pleased [Wraps arms around Nate]
Nate: [Laughs]
Rita: Hey your not meant to laugh [Takes arms off Nate]
Nate: I’m sorry [Wraps arms around Rita’s waist]
Rita: [Turns around] You should be [Kisses Nate]
Nate: McDonalds it is then
Rita: [Thinks] I don’t want McDonalds now [Laughs] I fancy... hmm.. how about...Thai food? I haven’t eaten that in ages.
Nate: What happens if it not as good as in Thailand? Your not going to complain?
Rita: [Laughs] NO! [Serious face]
Nate: Ok then it Thai [Laugh]
They both walked to the Thai restaurant
[In restaurant]
Waiter: What can I get you?
Rita: Can I have the Tom-Yum, Guey Teaw Phad Kee Mao , Phad Ped Talay, and some boiled rice please.
Nate: [Jaw opens]
Waiter: With the Guey Teaw Phad Kee Mao would you like chicken, beef or pork?
Rita: hmm, Chicken please
Waiter: and with the Tom-Yum?
Rita: Prawns please.
Waiter: And for you sir?
Nate: I’ll have the same.
Waiter: Very well you order will be ready soon. [Walks off]
Nate: [Looks at Rita]
Rita: What?
Nate: Nothing I’m just impressed that you can eat a lot and still look fit.
Rita: [Giggles] I dunno I just guess I’m lucky
Waiter: Here’s both your Tom-Yum [Puts Tom-Yum on table]


Back at Toby’s house he was on the phone to Sally.
Sally: That girl is up to something.
Toby: Everyone’s up to something with you maybe she’s not. Maybe she actually likes this Nate?
Sally: [Laughs] Come on now Toby?
Toby: Sally, your plan was to play him at his own game and Rita blow off my brother so she not playing him at anything now is she?
Sally: [Thinks] She could be playing us too...
Sally: Fine ok, whatever. [Hangs up]
Ty: [Walks in] What plan Toby?
Toby: [Turns around] Nothing...
Ty: [Pins Toby against the Wall] TELL ME TOBY? I HEARD NATE & RITA!




Chapter 17

It was the last day of term, Nate and Rita had been dating for 3 months now.
Nate: [Walks up behind Rita] Happy 3 month anniversary [Kisses her on check]
Rita: [Turns around] Happy 3 month anniversary [Kisses Nate]
Nate: So what are your plans for today?
Rita: I Dunno. I think me and Annie are gonna do some school work you?
Nate: O’ Ok
Rita: it not a year it’s only 3 months [Laughs]
Nate: I know... [Sighs]
Rita: [Rolls Eyes] What if I make you promises if we last till another 3 months you can take me out? Is that fair?
Nate: [Thinks] I can do that [Kisses Rita] better go. [Walks off]
Rita: [Laughs]


On the way to class Nate got stopped by Ty.
Ty: Wait up mate [Runs to Nate]
Nate: [Stops] Hey
Ty: Nate I need to talked to you about something.
Nate: What?
Ty: It’s about Rita.
Nate: What about her?
Ty: She using you!
Nate: [Starts getting angry]
Ty: She’s playing you. She is using you. She getting her own back at you
Nate: [Pins Ty against the lockers] WHAT YOU TALKING ABOUT?
Ty: [Pushes Nate] she playing you at what we played her...
Nate: [Let’s go of Ty] she not she told me about that on the 2nd date and she swore to me she not doing it. God Ty... [Walks off]


Back at Rita’s house Annie was just leaving when Rita got a phone call from Nate.
Rita: [Answers phone] Hello?
Nate: Meet me at Brooklyn Bridge in an hour [Hangs up]
Rita: [Looks at Annie] Do you know anything about this?
Annie: [Shrugs shoulders] Nope Nothing [Giggles] Come on better get you ready [Pulls Rita upstairs]
When they got upstairs Rita went into her room and Blair asked to talk to Annie.
Blair: Annie this is hard for me...
Annie: [Looks at her] go on...
Blair: Err... can we... err... be sisters again
Annie: [Smiles] That wasn’t so hard was it?
Blair: I guess not but I’m not moving back home!
Annie: Who said I want to share a room with you? [Laughs]
Blair: [Laughs] what all the excitement for?
Annie: [Whispers to Blair] Nate... [Stops] Your just gonna have to come and see to..
Blair: Annie!
Annie: [laughs] Come on


On the bridge Rita started to get nervous.
Rita: [Looks at Annie & Blair] What happens if he breaks up with me?
Blair: You can jump. [Laughs]
Annie: Blair!
Blair: it was a joke.
Annie: He’s over there [Points to Nate]
Rita: [walks to Nate]
Nate: Hello
Rita: [Smiles] Hi...
Nate: Don’t sound so worried I’m not gonna dump you.
Rita: [sighs with relief] Good I thought you where [Giggles] so what we doing here anyway?
Nate: This [Gets on one knee]
Rita: Wait! I’m not marrying you!
Nate: Who said anything about marrying god I don’t tend to marry until I finish college!
Rita: O’ so go on then.
Nate: [pulls out a bracelet] it a-
Rita: Forever Bracelet [Tear come down]
Nate: [Gets up] Yes. Rita Sethsatien Will you be with me Forever?
Rita: is this a kind of proposal?
Nate: No I can still break up with you!
Rita: Oh fine!
Nate: Sorry! [Hugs Rita]
Rita: Go on then...
Nate: Oh Right [Lets go of Rita] Rita Sethsatien will you be with me forever?
Rita: Yes I will
Rita raps he arms around Nate and gave him the most passionate his she has given anyone.
Annie: So that a happy Ending!

THE END!!!!!!


sarNie Granny
YAY Rita, decided not go along with the plan and they ended up together :D WOOOoOoo
thank you so much for writing this ^^

I was watching Gossip Girl on Monday, Nate was sooo hot <3