What are you thinking right now?


Staff member
lilxleesah said:
Im wondering wat sarnworld really is...... but I like it it looks pretty cool so far
Thinking about how much I love meh sister and I don't really care who I have to give up to protect my sister I'll do it.. and I must say I am quite dissapointed in a lot of things right now...

I <3 yooh sis and I don't care who it is that doesn't understand you....they don't know you like I do... and they shouldn't speak untill they knew the side you were thinking from...


sarNie Hatchling
me, I'm thinking of how to cool down my jealousy for my "lover"
*sigh* this aint me, i feel so scared now... :unsure:
I don't know how to say it...GOSH :wacko:


sarNie Hatchling
man, gosh...
is being a minor so wrong that people can't accept you for who you are---a human being such as them?
It's irritating me so much...!
HA! Dateline NBC, WTF!!!
URGH <_< :angry:


sarNie Adult
im still feeling a little guilty from last night. I went to a friend's birthday party and blah blah blah happened and i yelled at someone. With cussing and all.....and I dont even know that person well. We know each other from high school but more like aquantances. Anyways...mann....that was the first ever I've yelled like that at ANYBODY besides my family and really mean it. O man. But im only a little guilty....but i still feel bad....o gosh....wtf....

and im also feeling bad cause last night i just kinda fell asleep on flash chat...lol. After the party..I came back home and was really tired but stilll got on chat and i guess i fell asleep and my wireless died. haha. Oops.
gosh. right now i wish i understand korean. lmao. ahhh...gd&tempo is soooo mighty HOT! hahaha. im such a dork. >.< imma go and eat now. haha. ^_^


sarNie Elites
i'm thinking about the weekend....so excited for the beach!! and i'm also thinking about what i should have for dinner lol....getting kinda hungry at the moment.


sarNie Adult
im getting hungry myself...but im sooo lazy to go cook. Hrmm....maybe i'll find some candy lying around. lol.


sarNie Juvenile
my boyfriend's mother HATES meeeeeeeeeee!!

because i call him before 9PM and he doesnt get free minutes till then.

what a cheap ass, goshh. =P :D :D :D



Staff member
I'm thinking that my pc is greatly infected with some type of viruse that is causing it to act so crazy and I have no clue what it is......so now I guess I must reformat.... sigh sigh sigh lol >.< .... but lucky me that shall not distance me from you guys because I have more than one pc's hahah lol =)


sarNie Juvenile
Sam, hope you're feeling better.

My wifey is such a cutie.

LADii_TIMELESS' sig is msmerizing. I keep looking at it. LOL

Can't wait for Se7en's repackage album to come!! Spent $50 on it. :X


Staff member
thinking kor hai tee ruk duern tarng hai dee lal jah kid tueng tee ruk mark mark took warn<3

English:(hope tee ruk has a nice travel and I'll be missing you alot everyday) :wub:


I'm just usure how long my friendship with him is going to last, cause i see it going no where right now......he said i change but then i don't understand why he can't tell me a good reason how and why....we really need a break from eachother so we can think this out...i'm just so fustrated with him right now.....why are dude's so hard to predict????? lol :lmao: :wacko: :loool:


Staff member
mizterkevin said:
i'm thinking about....
[1] i need to take a shower...and then leave
[2] how much i'm gonna miss my tina
[3] isn't a long trip...but i'll miss the sworld peeps too
Hugs Thiinking how much im gonna miss yah my tee ruk .. no matter how long your gone a day a week...still the same*muah*