...i'm thinking i see these fears in almost everyone at some point in their lives including mine,,, but i've overcome these trivial fears by self anylizing unknown fears and accepting worse case happenings then moving on because it's at these times my glass is truely half full... nobody in this world is any different at birth,,, even with wealth or poverty we must all learn to live with our fears and accept what can and often does happen when we juorney into tomorrow if we let others dictate what we see in ourselves... when fear grips our hearts and we feel paralized i have found i sometimes need to look into the future 5 years forward and try and place current events into perspective,,, it is then that i realize pety fears today will have passed without meaning in who i choose to be tomorrow... don't let anyone tell you you are less because if you accept this then you will be... the most beautiful aspects to living is when you can close your eyes and accept truly what is good in your life absent someone else's visions in who you choose to accept tomorrow...---why do i feel so nervous
---I shouldn't care wat people think of me!!!
---I need more confident/selfconfident