What are you thinking right now?


sarNie Hatchling
i have a huge pimple on my right cheek and good lord i also had my working id picture taken today... my goodness its horrible! :wavecry:


sarNie Elites
wahhh hurry up this sunday! XMAN!!! and which graduation should i go this thursday? in san diego or riverside??? ughh hard decision... why it has to be same day/time! >"<


Staff member
Its 3 am in the morning I have a breakfast date with my best friend *yawns* what am I still doing up??!! Its that darn Caramel Frap ......and maybe I'm a bat or something... late at these hours Im most energetic.. and during the day time tired, but yet energetic... odd! .. I'm just weird haha lol dont mind mee ^_^


sarNie Juvenile
i'm dreaming of Germany winning the worldcup, and michael ballack holding the cup..


Dangit.....i don't know why cleaning my house is take'n forever????? i swear i am no where right now and i really want to leave to the house so that i can relax..maybe i should go to my sisters house for the weekend? i am just so tired right now.... :wavecry:
i think im falling for him even harder. the more i think the more i want to be with him right now. gosh this isn't fair. T_T


bite me x___
im thinking about a lot lately... especially how to download thai ringtones for free!! SCHOOL!! AHH!! I WANNA KILL!!