tina, unfortunately we're all not nerds like the dude.
i have 4 seagates, 2 WDs (still in boxes though) so i don't know how they work...
the 4 seagates: 1 320gb, 1 500 gb, 2 1tb
i back up the 320 on both the 500 and tb... haha talk about OCD lmfao. there's been some instances that my drives aren't called up and i almost have a minor heart attack because everyone knows how much music i have and i'll DIE if they are gone. DIE DIE DIE. was just telling my sister, if the house was ever to burn down... the drives are going out with me and my picture albums... nvm the rest lol.
but sometimes u can over work ur drives...and cause disaster. sometimes i'd have everything turned off but my drives are still running and that's when i know that something is up and start to panick... but sometimes i just pull the plug and hope for the better...
if ur stuff is sentimental enough that u would pay to retreive it back... i hope u get everything back