Palapol-Jai Kor ... (this song on repeat for 4 days now)
na na na na na .......... na na na na .... narm horm korng tur..(the way you smell) narm sieng korng tur(The sound of your voice)... ta tarng korng tur(the way you are) .. torn tee sop tah chun.. (when your eyes meet mines)
chun farn tueng tur.(i dream of you). chun puer tueng tur.(I day dream and fantasize of you). chun warng wah .(I secretly wish in my heart). tur gor bpen muern garn.. (that you are doing the same also)
torng fah korng rao (our sky aboves).. sai narm korng rao.(our waters in the ocean). lah pleng korng rao pragorp jai chun.. (and our song flowing with my heart)
praw ruk lur gurn..(because I love you alot). praw ruk tueng raw.(because I love you I wait). mai ruk mai raw hai jai wai warn.(if I didn't love you I wouldn't wait). praw ruk tueng grua.(because I love you I'm scared). praw roo way glai.(because I know how far we are). muer tur pope krai .(afraid that you will meet someone else). grua tur art luerm chun.. (and forget about me)