It was a rainy monday like all monday.
"Hurry, hurry! I will be late if you're still driving like a snail in a garden"
-I'm sorry boss, I do my best but the road is blocked... whimpers the driver
-Blocked? The road is blocked? I don't care about the road, you know what you have to do. If I'll be late you'll be fired!
_Y... Yes, yes Boss...
The car moves during a few miles and stopped again.
_What's happen? Why does the car is stop?
_I don't know Boss but it seems it has an accident ahead.
_An accident? I wish not, if it's true, I will be late for work and I have an important meeting this morning at 8:30 am. So what is it?
_It really seems to be an accident and serious. There's a young woman crying in the middle of the road.
_Crying? She's crying in the middle of the road? Shit, someone is surely died!
_She's holding something but I can't see clearly what it is...
_Let me verify by myself. I'm really hurry and don't want to be late.
_Boss, let me do it, it's my dut...
_No, I said I'll go myself. Stay in the car.
He's looking furious, damn, he's late because of a stupid accident. Who has the bad idea to dead the same day as his meeting? A stupid people, one of those who don't understand that money is the only important thing at word, the rest is only cheap rubbish. His dad is right when he says "Fight for money, only for it" .
He's going near the girl, a modest girl who is wearing an old and out flower's dress. God, she looks like she's wearing her grand ma's dress, and she's crying like a river! He hates crying women, they are boring and rubbish in bed.