This topic interest me in so many ways lol cause now we have girls that are afraid to get married >.< LOL but my 2 cents on this is ... some parents may not care about the money and they just ask because they think its the right thing to do, but I think a majority of parents today consider it for the money because look at the world today everything is about money lol. 15-60 years ago probably not. I had an ex boyfriend that I almost broke up with so many times over this subject lol because he wanted to marry me but I wasn't ready .. and didn't love him enough to marry him or should I say didn't love him at all, so I told him if my parents agree then I will agree my parents asked for 100,000 his family thought my parents were crazy lol they were like "who would have that much money" my parents said .. if he loves our daughter he will be able to find it and he won't object.. his parents were bitchy about it ... and they told him that he cant marry me and then he got mad and tried to make me tell my parents to change their mind... and I didn't lol cause I now doubted his feelings for me because he dared called my parents "gold diggers!"... I should have broken up with him then. but in the end he cheated on me and stuff .. lol so that was a much better way out of the relationship... when it came to my other ex who proposed my parents asked him for 50,000 lol because they kind of liked him.. he reacted the same way the other ex did and in the end he decided that he will try to get the money and he too ends up cheating on me with a family member at that ... lol then comes along my husband .. lol who was my boyfriend at the time ... my parents asked for nothing when he offered my parents 70,000 (his whole life savings) my parents said no and to keep that money to support our life together and build together .. because they don't believe in selling their kids.. if they believe the guy really loves their children they will not ask for a penny... with my ex's he explain that he asked for that much because he knew them and knew how they were and wanted to test and see how much they are willing to do for me, but they didn't need to test my husband because he had already offered and he gave up his life over there with his family to move down here for me he somewhat was already supporting me even before we got married.. my parents liked him alot because they believed he really loved me and not just cause of the stuff he did or gave for me ... but any parents who love their children would know how to tell if someone really loves their child.. I learn to respect my parents so much more after that (not that I didn't respect them before)... they according to my parents money can't buy respect from those who have no dignity ..but it can't buy respect from those who have dignity.. money definitely can't buy love regardless of what others believe, money definitely will never be able to make sure your children will never come home crying because of their husband, money definitely will never unbreak your childrens heart.. I love my parents man :wub: they are amazing.. my mom is traditional with other things but when it comes to this stuff she isn' dad is too somewhat, but he believes in love.. and my decision.. he knows that i would never marry someone that isn't right for me ..
My cousin's husband's father took the $10,000 that her parents gave her on her wedding to buy a second wife from Laos. That sucks.
Lol if anyone every did that to me my dad would have buried their ass alive -.- LOL sorry to say it so literally, but he would lol and so would my uncles and other male relatives brothers and cousins ... lol