Where are they now...?


sarNie Hatchling
Joni - He 25 year old now? i guess, living in South Wales Austrailia and further his studying. I think he is still doing Wakeboarding with big brother Didi.
Joni has a english album out with his band Katsue with member Montonn Jira. Notting much didnt change after that.

Anan - He is like 20 years old now and living with Joni in Austrailia and also studying.. Anan does Parkour which is a huge difference after being a pop singer. Anan grew his hair long and really looks similar to Louis in a way. The pictures from their links will tell the stories.

I dont think they want to hear any comments about the past but that what im just saying. Though you could try to comment them and they will reply back. Anan is active in Youtube and the karoke videos posted of him has goofy comments that he commented. Maybe you fans could persuade them back into the thai music scene.

Here Is There Official Links:



WOW SO WEIRD TO SEE ANAN SO GROWN UP. he was suchhh a child LOL. welll. it just seemed like couple years ago since he was a lil kid. hmm . *visits australia

LOL And your FROM so funny. "khmerland" : D


sarNie Egg
I'm pretty sure they don't want random comments they do got lives too. Plus maybe they just have a brake from singing to study. It's not very necessary to post his stuff around too. Just saying cos I know what he's like. Sorry if it seems i'm boasting.