Which actress can be pretty good at acting as a nang'ek and nang'rai?


sarNie Adult
Which actress can be pretty good at acting as a nang'ek and nang'rai?

*Bee Namthip - She's good at acting as a nang'rai & nang'ek. Love her

*Joy Rinlanee - She pretty good as acting as the nang'rai,,for the nang'ek,,she's alright :D

*Fang Pichaya - So good as being nang'ek,,she is pretty good at nang'rai too,,but i don't really think she matches it :)

--Well,,so far i can only think of 3..how bout you guys?


I really like Bee Namthip as both too. She's one of the very few that I like as both.

Another one that I like is Yui Jiranan. But I like Yui's n'rai roles more than her nang'ek ones because when she does play nang'ek she tends to play weak ones and I don't like weak nang'eks lol.

I like Aum too. She can play the bitch that you hate or the goofy girl that you want to befriend, nicely.

Finally, I like Donut. She's good at both too although I haven't watched her latest lakorn with Tye yet but I did like their previous one.

Now we should have a thread about ones that can't pull it off. Or do we? because I have a ton to list there.


sarNie Adult
I really like Bee Namthip as both too. She's one of the very few that I like as both.

Another one that I like is Yui Jiranan. But I like Yui's n'rai roles more than her nang'ek ones because when she does play nang'ek she tends to play weak ones and I don't like weak nang'eks lol.

I like Aum too. She can play the bitch that you hate or the goofy girl that you want to befriend, nicely.

Finally, I like Donut. She's good at both too although I haven't watched her latest lakorn with Tye yet but I did like their previous one.

Now we should have a thread about ones that can't pull it off. Or do we? because I have a ton to list there.
Haha,,yea..i totally agree with you :D


sarNie OldFart
Donut hah she is good at that!!! Switching roles!!! ahahha such a rai'!

YUi too! in Prajun Lai prayak! she totally got on my nerves and i hated her at the same time..lol but then again; i like her as the leading Nang'ek.
Wish she would do another lakorn with Mos :/

even though i don't like Aum;
Aum is really good at it tooo!
In Head wife; gosh she got me and my mom soo p.o lol
also in PLR; you feel pity towards her!!!


sarNie Granny
nampueng (she use to be n'ek bac then, but i love her as n'rai)
yui j (even though she plays n'rai i like her over the n'ek she plays with in her lakorns)
jakajaan ( she only play few lakorn as n'rai i think, i like her as n'ek though, she fits more n'ek role than n'rai)
Tanya (omg, i like her acting both ways)
bee n ( hate her n superstar but anyways she plays a great n'rai)
fang p ( hate her n drrt, but love her lakorn with pepper)
Pin (omg i really dislike her in pronee gor ruk tur)
donut (i think she play rai b4 did she?)
ann a (she plays an okay n'rai with mos n wiew but i love her more as n'ek, hopefully she'll do ore lakorns in the future, i really miss her with pepper) :cloud9:
rotamay (cute, lovely, she kinda stupid rai role but i like her as n'ek more than supporting n n'rai)
aom p (oh damn she's hecka mean in the lakorn she had with Nat)
aump (i think i like her more as n'rai)
grace d (okay both way, doesn't really matter to me if she plays n'rai or n'ek)
ploy c (dunt really like her now but she can play 2-face)*sorry*
vicky (i'm not sure if she plays any rai lkaorn or not, can't think of it. anyways i like her more as n'ek than supporting roles n n'rai)

*not sure if sum of these actresses had play n'rai, probably a mean supporting actress* :scratchhead2:


sarNie Tombstone
Ploy Chermarn - versatile and amazing can portray in 2 roles nobody can't be as good as her
Joy Rinlanee - Same as above but lately she's good at n'rai and back as n'ek don't know if she can still do like
in her past lakorn
Donut - like her in both character
Anne Thongprasom - she also talented but some she's only portray one thing from the other or half/half character


sarNie Hatchling
omg, no one list my Noon Woranuch.
she's been great in all her nang'rai roles as well as her innocent and turn the other cheek roles.


Expired Sarnie
Playing a nang ek and nang rai does not mean they are versatile. I would say Anne T. She had never done a nang rai role but that girl can play a bitch alright.


sarNie Tombstone
Oh yeah Anne she's quite good in b*tchy character in ssh and Samee Teetra. Yes me too wanna see Anne play rai 4 once.
Anne, Aump, Benz, Ploy they're talented in both roles.


sarNie Oldmaid
i like noon w: in KNM, she was fabulous
aum p: her twin's lakorn with vee or in KPB, i wanted to slap her!
yui j: she was so evil in her lakorn with oil and forget the name of the girl
kwan u: in RRRB
ploy c: she fits more n'rai than n'ek


sarNie Oldmaid
Donut, I went from loving her to hating her to loving her
Joy R, Wow...she is good.


sarNie Hatchling
The best ones would have to be ploy c., joy r., donut, and I think Min P. is pretty good at both.


sarNie Hatchling
Joy Rinlanee. She use to be so beautiful when she played n'ek back in the day. Now all she does is n'rai roles and all her characters now make me hate her.


sarNie Egg
I really think Noon W, Yui J, Aump P, Ploy C,etc. are really good at both.
Hi, what are these dramas about? Also, is one of the main girls starring Thai actress Noon Woranuch? This looks like a Korean Drama. If you don't mind can you tell me more about this lakorn? I'm refering to Cupid's Game/Remember Me.