sarNie Oldmaid
you never know...we didn't expect a romantic comedy like Oum Ruk to top a kiss/slap lakorn like Kob & Stefan's or Kol Ruk Game w/ Kob & Chakrit..but it's unpredictableanne likes to conversate but seem like aum was scare to make convos with her lol. if the pra'ek was andrew than no doubt they would be a much hotter pair. i would of been more excited and hyped cuz ive been waiting to see those 2 pair up for the longest. aum look or is too short so he suits aff cuz she is tiny.
hopefully ken/affs lakorn will have a good storyline. i dont think it could top a kiss/slap drama like aum/annes though lol
tat is true...high expectation leads to low...watever tat phrase was...LOLyou guys never know, the least most excited couple might turn out the opposite once the lakorn airs like how not many were excited to see aff/aum as a pair but look at now. for me, im not really hyped with aum/anne as a pair unless with andrew but anne makes up for it and the storyline is interesting. with ken/aff, i was more excited to see them than aum/anne but after the fitting, eh, not feeling it cuz ken as superstar while aff is his manager doesnt sound that exciting like the title. i guess we'll see how the storyline goes?
did you gals know that aum was suppose to work with anne many times but they seem to miss until now.
likit kamatep
oum ruk(thank goodness its not)
jum leuy ruk
but reallie he was suppose 2 do Oum Ruk w/ Ann..THANK GOODNESS he didn't no one was more fit and PERFECT for tat role than P'Ken...Aum doesn't reallie look like the father / daddie type
but i wished he would have done Likit w/ her...i'm totallie a Mart hater...