Cupid Candy sarNie Coma Jun 6, 2011 #341 My little cousin, she kind of pissed me off. WWTLP to give you a present?
x_xshinx_x sarNie Hatchling Jul 27, 2011 #350 My sister! =_= Who was the last person you ate out with?
Cupid Candy sarNie Coma Jul 28, 2011 #355 Dad, iPod touch along with iPhone WWTLP you bought something expensive for?
thai4ever93 sarNie Oldmaid Jul 28, 2011 #356 umm i think it was my friend.. wwtlp to congratulate you on something?
dreams_x sarNie Oldmaid Aug 4, 2011 #358 My friend Chelsea. She bought me cheese sticks for my bday? lol really... haha WWTLP that you called?
My friend Chelsea. She bought me cheese sticks for my bday? lol really... haha WWTLP that you called?
Cupid Candy sarNie Coma Aug 4, 2011 #359 Customer service for vacuum parts :secret: WWTLP to give you money?