exact new comming actors n actress!!!!
lets jsut say A LOT.. hehe.. ateam.. rteam.. ken anne.. muahaha.. a lot..
The same with me. It's R-team's time to shine... Go R-team!same here...it'll be nice to see one of them, or both of them, win...
It's really about personal preference. I am not into ch5/Exact lakorns as much like I was before. So it is really based on your taste in plots/schemes/themes/etc. And don't forget, favs celebs. =)I saw Channel 3 stars and Exact's stars.. They got some pretty hott lakorns for next year and not to mention their newbies also. I saw Exact and Channel 3 will pull it off... Channel 7, iono... they still need better scripts and more variety of actors and actresses.. These couple of years, I haven't watch any really good channel 7.. what happen to their good lakorn and actors/actresses?