Why Sarnies' Girls / Women want to vote for McCain/Palin ?


Professional Lakorn Watcher

and i wonder if mccain, would, instead of use our tax money to give to corporations, he can use his own money and give it to them ;)

and like u, i guess he probably wouldn't :lol:

i don't know about u but i'd rather see the money i gave the government coming back to me instead of being given to corporations so they can give their CEOs and CFOs bigger bonuses. <_<
haha... who says anything about McCain? No politicians will give any of us money... if anything, they get richer even Obama; that's why they're called politicians........ they lie and pry on people. But I voted for Palin.... and I have my reasons which I won't discuzz here. If I had a choice, I'd live in a state of monarchy.


i don't know about politicians giving me money.

but i've been assisted by the government to get my education, so i do believe in governmental assistance. i've also seen a rebate check that came from the government. and i will be filing for a tax credit from the government for housing and expect more money to assist me in the time being also.

sure, your decisions are private and i understand and respect your choice to not discuss this.


Staff member
^yes, i also depend on financial aid .. sadly, i got turn away b/c i make too much for a single person.

anyway. came across this on youtube .. kindda sad to have been turn away b/c you're an obama supporter. some ppl are so ignorant : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbkBE0lWeYU

^^i handed out candy to every little kids that came to my block .. since when did POLITICAL view became a part of HALLOWEEN .. crazy ppl.


haha wow that person is very ignorant. and to me, is just acting like a child. ahahh and to give 1 bag of funsize M&M plus a flier of mccain and palin...? :huh: at least add some more king size stuff lady.

we've given out a lot of candy in my neighborhood also, and never did we ask anything about politics, these are kids, would they want the kids to tell a lie just to get candy? they don't even know what mccain or obama is about!

yes, financial aids, subsidized loans and i also have other loans in order to catch my dream lol...


Professional Lakorn Watcher
I dunno why its called "government money," it should be called the people's money.

True.. taxes goes towards many important things, like financial aid and schools, but I know that a good portion of it goes right into the politicians pockets and other God knows what nonesense that none of us will really know...

I already voted........ though I already know who's going to win. It's probably going to take a miracle for McCain to win, but we'll never know. Hopefully no other names from the grave or illigimate names pop up at the polls.


Staff member
^yes, my is piling up there

a real WITCH exist in this case :p
she shown her true color to her neighbors/friends on Halloween night.
i guess, i won't join her for thanksgiving dinner :loool:
((if i live in her neighborhood or hang out with her kids/grandkids, what a scary granny, eh))

makes me wonder, if her kids/grandkids support OBAMA. what do she do with them? disown them? convert them to mccain supporter through manipulation? .. hm..
these kind of ppl really amaze me .. can you imagine .. a mix marriage .. oh gosh


lol yeah, very sad to teach kids something so retarded like that.

ladyofdarkness, it's not just politicians' pockets, it's everyone whom work for the government, federal, state employees...like cops that don't really use their sirens to cut through traffic to save someone's life... they just don't want to wait in traffic... those people we are paying for their medical insurance and also their benefits.

although, if it's that easy to pocket our cash into their own pockets, i'm sure many more americans would run for presidency... so for them being in that position, i doubt they'd be able to do that easily, they're in the spotlight, it's more of what they do with that money to develop our country that is mostly being concentrated upon. however, mayors, senators, attorney general, etc. now if it were a local incident as being bribed for local projects, that can happen quite easily because they think they're not being surveilled but no secret is forever.


Professional Lakorn Watcher
yeah, I'm well aware of all the good uses of tax dollars, which should be the only use. But living here in America.... not all things seem nice and dandy. A good portion of tax dollars goes towards god knows what. My sister for example......... yes she has a house and has a job.... but her husband has been unexployed for a awhile now.. and no matter where he looked, no one wanted to take him in cause he's almost 60 years old. And so when she was out of money and food... she turned to the government trying to sign up for foodstamps so her children wouldn't get hungry, but guess what they did? they turned her away.. cause she owns a house.... so where was the tax dollars when an American needed it the most???

by the way... she only wanted foodstamps! not cash.. just food stamps... her fridge... her pantry was empty.. but nope... no foodstamps for her, cause she owns a house.. she supposed to get taxed, not recieve tax. thanks to this great democratic nation of ours.


that's what i was trying to say earlier... what happens to ppl who are in the middle and doesn't qualify for assistance? but yet i'm told that i should qualify for it just because i'm making under 250k. that's not the case...

if u've read the debate before, between dynomite and i, u should see that i've said it's not fair to have all of us taxed $5 in his example because i may not be qualified for assistance, when i do need it. and saying i should be ok with 10% tax and him getting .005% tax because in the end, i'd get help from the government anyways... and yes, that's not the case with EVERYONE.

and those that gets it, are the ones that don't really need the help.


Professional Lakorn Watcher
well that's exactly it.. when the great obama says spread the wealth, he better spread it to the people in the middle too and not just low income brackets. To me, the middle income people work their damn asses off to maintain that status... so those hard workers truly need a tax break.

if I were president.. I feel big money should be paid to people who bust their asses... people like my hard labor working mother and father should be rich.. not snot nosed celebrities and overpaid athletes.


Staff member
^lome, but if obama happen to be president, should you benefit from it too even though you vote for palin :p

i so can't wait til this is over .. 2 more days :clap:

that is why, tax are up for celebrities as well b/c they will sure make over 250 k doing easy task .. these are the ppl that can help ease the economic a bit.


Professional Lakorn Watcher
I don't get money from the government... and I don't work... so probably No. I'm mostly speakimg for my aging hard working parents. My vote is for them mostly.


Staff member
^i still don't get it of how is it that your parent will not benefit from the tax cut? .. selling property, i can see, but tax relief, shouldn't this matter to your parent too. unless, they make over the middle class bracket, then i suppose, there's a reason to complain .. i mean, my parent own property but on a yearly basic, they dont' make much as a joint couple .. so this tax break will benefit them for the next 4 years .. unless, the law become effective and work for life, then, of course, it's a worry .. but as of now, i just think .. we need to create tomorrow to have a better tomorrow .. if we dont' do anything, how is is that we will have a better tomorrow .. *sighed*

but then, years later, it might not benefit me b/c everyone in the family are good to go and work for themselves ..


Professional Lakorn Watcher
^^ They will benefit from tax cuts ofcourse, but as for raised taxes, my parents work for a big corporation that makes over $250,000. So if that corporation is highly taxed..... they won't be able to afford their employees as much.. so down sizing they go.. or better yet, pack up and go to China.


Staff member
^yes, if we are talking about that issue, chance are they might get ship out ..
but there are law and regulation for import and export ..
in order to accomplish more employment here, govt regulation have to step up too.
i'm sure, if plan are plan to follow, there's already a rescue plan out there to help solve ship out jobs.

either way, even if mccain win, will we get more jobs here? ..
he may not be george bush but vote with him most of the time, eventually, he will stick to the same plan.
he even claim himself that he vote and campaign along with GB for years and make sure he's on top of it.
the economic is already in bad shape .. what can he do to help creates job .. all he talks about is -- lower taxes ..
okay, lower taxes, isn't that what we are over the year? look what happen to us now, most of us are jobless ..


Professional Lakorn Watcher
well... like he says.... "change is coming"... let's see what the great obama can do. I've already voted, so I have nothing more to say, but GOD bless America. I hope it stays that way.


sarNie OldFart
where i live it's a democratic state and a news reporter put a stranger address on print in the new calling it a haunted house/hell house just because he had all republican signs in front of his home

here's an interview that Joe biden did in Seattle guaranteeing that if Obama gets elected , he'll guarantee that there will an international crisis

http://www.mynorthwest.com/resources/audio...8153123.mp3 what does he mean by that?


Staff member
^we may never know what he meant in there b/c the sound was distorted ..
take for example. even MCCAIN said it's OBAMA who said it :loool: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_sUqI602b0

when he said that. i'm sure, it raise thousand reason of questions .. ppl can interpret in whichever way they believe, here's some articles to read for details :
Barack Obama will face an international crisis early in his presidency, Joe Biden warns, fueling Republican charges that the Democratic presidential candidate's own running mate admits Obama is a blank slate in the face of coming national security threats.

Speaking in Seattle on Sunday, Biden said he could guarantee that the world will want to find out if Obama is up to the job, which he assured voters he is.

"Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking," Biden said.

"Remember I said it standing here. if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy. And he's gonna have to make some really tough -- I don't know what the decision's gonna be, but I promise you it will occur. As a student of history and having served with seven presidents, I guarantee you it's gonna happen," Biden continued.

The Delaware senator's remarks were the second of their kind over the weekend. At a fundraiser in San Francisco, Biden said Obama's challengers will "find out this guy's got steel in his spine" whenhe is tested.

The McCain campaign jumped on Biden's remarks, saying the next president "won't have time to get used to the office."

"Just last night, Senator Biden guaranteed that if Senator Obama is elected, we will have an international crisis to test America's new president," reads a memo from the McCain campaign. "We don't want a president who invites testing from the world at a time when our economy is in crisis and Americans are already fighting in two wars. ...

"Senator Obama wont have the right response, and we know that because we've seen the wrong response from him over and over during this campaign. ... We cannot spend the next four years as we have spent much of the last eight: hoping for our luck to change at home and abroad. We have to act. We need a new direction, and we have to fight for it," the statement said.

During a McCain campaign press conference on Monday, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani also weighed in on the Democratic vice presidential candidate's remarks, saying they reveal that "Biden continues to harbor doubts that Obama is ready to be commander-in-chief."

But Democratic aides said that Biden was merely reciting history and assuring supporters that Obama is the man for the job.

"Sen. Biden was making it clear that history has shown presidents face challenges starting on day one, and with our nation fighting two wars and 21st century threats abroad, we know that we need steady leadership in tumultuous times, not the erratic lurching and stubborn ideology of John McCain," said Biden spokesman David Wade

Democratic strategist and pollster Doug Schoen said Biden's comments are "probably an uncomfortable truth, certainly not what you want as a Democratic strategist for your vice presidential candidate to say....

"But he probably is going to be tested and he hasn't had experience and I'd like to think he'll be up to the task with whatever we face, but politics is about making choices. But the question is given the failures of the Bush administration ... do we want to go in that direction or do we want to go in a different direction?" Schoen asked.
Credit: http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/10/20/bi...administration/
SEATTLE (CNN) — Joe Biden told Democratic fundraisers Sunday night that there is no doubt in his mind a crisis will occur during Barack Obama's first six months in office that will test his mettle and force him to make unpopular decisions.

"Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy," said Biden to a roomful of donors. "The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America."

"Remember I said it standing here, if you don't remember anything else I said," Biden continued. "Watch, we're going to have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.

"I promise you it will occur. As a student of history and having served with seven presidents, I guarantee you it's going happen. I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate."

The Delaware senator spoke at two Seattle fundraises Sunday night, expected to bring in $1 million for the campaign. Biden told the supporters that when Obama will need them to stand with the administration on the difficult calls — not financially, but by using their influence within their communities to convince others that the right decisions are being made.

"I promise you, you all are going to be sitting here a year from now going, 'Oh my God, why are they there in the polls, why is the polling so down, why is this thing so tough?' We're going have to make some incredibly tough decisions in the first two years," said Biden. "I'm asking you now, be prepared to stick with us. Remember the faith you had at this point because you're going to have to reinforce us."

Telling the crowd to "gird their loins" for a bumpy beginning to the next presidential term, Biden said it wouldn't be initially apparent that the correct decisions are being made because "they're not likely to be as popular as they are sound. Because if they're popular, they're probably not sound."

Fundraisers are generally closed to the media's cameras, though print journalists are usually allowed in. Biden appeared to forget Sunday night's fundraiser wasn't closed to reporters, saying, "I probably shouldn't have said all this because it dawned on me that the press is here." Moments later, he ended his remarks.
Credit: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/...ill-test-obama/
video: http://voices.washingtonpost.com/the-trail..._rhetorica.html
By Robert Barnes
RICHMOND -- Democrat Barack Obama said today there is no reason to believe that he is more likely to be tested by an international crisis if elected than if rival John McCain is, and said the important question is how the next president responds.

"Whoever is the next president is going to have to deal with a whole host of challenges internationally -- and a period of transition in a new administration is always one in which we have to be vigilant," Obama said after meeting here with his team of national security and foreign policy advisers.

He was responding to a question about an assertion by his running mate, Joe Biden, over the weekend. "Mark my words," Biden had said. "It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking."

McCain's campaign has used the statement to imply that Obama is not ready to lead in a dangerous world.

Even though Biden's words suggested that Obama would be singled out for the test, Obama brushed the comment off, saying, "I think Joe sometimes engages in rhetorical flourishes."

"We are going to face a number of threats and tests and challenges because for the last eight years we've had a policy, a bad set of policies, that have resulted in two unresolved wars, bin Laden and al-Qaeda communicating regularly and training folks to potentially attack America and an economy that has been in a free fall," Obama said.

"The question is, will the next president meet that test by moving America in a new direction -- by sending a clear signal to the rest of the world that we are no longer about bluster and unilateralism and ideology, but we're about creating partnerships around the world to solve practical problems.

"That's going to be the best way to meet that test."

McCain-Palin spokesman Tucker Bounds used Obama's comments as a further opportunity to continue pounding the Democratic ticket.

"Judgment to lead? It's not leadership for Barack Obama to promise to be straight with Americans, only to dismiss serious statements and concern from his own running mate as simple 'rhetorical flourishes,'" he said in a statement. "Joe Biden guaranteed a generated international crisis if Barack Obama is elected, and a smile-for-the-cameras press conference isn't going to mitigate the risk of an Obama presidency."

Obama's prepared remarks follow:

Good morning. We just finished a meeting with Senator Biden and members of my senior working group on national security. We had a wide-ranging discussion on the challenges facing our nation.

I've been pleased to draw on the support of these distinguished Americans during this campaign. I was also honored to receive the support of Colin Powell on Sunday, who is a friend and former colleague to many of those here with me. General Powell is one of the finest soldiers and statesmen of our time. He has been a source of advice, and I look forward to drawing on his counsel - and the counsel of all of those standing with me today - if I am President.

The next President will take office at a time of great uncertainty for America. We are in the midst of the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression. And as challenging as our current economic crisis is, the next President will have to focus on national security challenges on many fronts. The terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 are still at large and plotting, and we must be vigilant in preventing future attacks. We are fighting two wars abroad. We are facing a range of 21st century threats - from terrorism to nuclear proliferation to our dependence on foreign oil - which have grown more daunting because of the failed policies of the last eight years.

To succeed, we need leadership that understands the connection between our economy and our strength in the world. We often hear about two debates - one on national security and one on the economy - but that is a false distinction. We can't afford another President who ignores the fundamentals of our economy while running up record deficits to fight a war without end in Iraq.

We must be strong at home to be strong abroad - that is the lesson of our history. Our economy supports our military power, it increases our diplomatic leverage, and it is a foundation of America's leadership and in the world. Through World War II, American workers built an Arsenal of Democracy that helped our heroic troops face down fascism. Through the Cold War, the engine of the American economy helped power our triumph over Communism.

Now, we must renew American competitiveness to support our security and global leadership. That means creating millions of jobs in a new American energy sector, so that we're not borrowing billions from China to buy oil from Saudi Arabia - for the sake of our economy and our security, we must end our dependence on foreign oil. Keeping America ahead also calls for investments in American education, innovation and infrastructure, so that our kids can compete, our homeland is secure, and our country remains on the cutting edge.

It also means leading an international response to the financial crisis. On September 19th, I called for a globally coordinated effort with our partners in the G-20 to stabilize the credit markets. I'm happy that today, the White House announced a summit of the G-20 countries that provides an opportunity to advance the kind of cooperation that I called for last month. America must lead, and other nations must be part of the solution too.

We must recognize that from global economic turmoil to global terrorism, the challenges we face demand American leadership of strong alliances. When America is isolated, we shoulder these burdens alone, and the security and prosperity of the American people is put at risk. Yet for eight years, we have seen our alliances weakened and our standing in the world set back.

We cannot afford four more years of policies that have failed to adjust to our new century. We're not going to defeat a terrorist network that operates in eighty countries through an occupation of Iraq. We're not going to deny the nuclear ambitions of Iran by refusing to pursue direct diplomacy alongside our allies. We're not going to secure the American people and promote American values with empty bluster. It's time for a fundamental change, and that's why I'm running for President.

This change must start with a responsible end to the war in Iraq. We shouldn't keep spending $10 billion a month in Iraq while the Iraqis sit on a huge surplus. Today, we discussed how to succeed in Iraq by transitioning to Iraqi responsibility. For the sake of our economy, our military, and the long-term stability of Iraq, it's time for the Iraqis to step up.

Ending the war will help us deal with Afghanistan, which we talked about at length this morning. In 2002, I said we should focus on finishing the fight against Osama bin Laden. Throughout this campaign, I have argued that we need more troops and more resources to win the war in Afghanistan, and to confront the growing threat from al Qaeda along the Pakistani border.

Over seven years after 9/11, the situation in Afghanistan is grave. This is the most violent year of the war, with the highest number of American casualties. The Taliban is on the offensive, al Qaeda has a sanctuary across the border in Pakistan, and some experts believe that 50 percent of the Afghan economy comes from the heroin trade. As the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff recently said, "The trends across the board are not going in the right direction."

Make no mistake: we are confronting an urgent crisis in Afghanistan, and we have to act. It's time to heed the call from General McKiernan and others for more troops. That's why I'd send at least two or three additional combat brigades to Afghanistan. We also need more training for Afghan Security forces, more non-military assistance to help Afghans develop alternatives to poppy farming, more safeguards to prevent corruption, and a new effort to crack down on cross-border terrorism. Only a comprehensive strategy that prioritizes Afghanistan and the fight against al Qaeda will succeed, and that's the change I'll bring to the White House.

There is a clear choice in this election. On issue after issue, Senator McCain has supported the key decisions and core approach of President Bush. As President, he would continue the policies that have put our economy into crisis and endangered our national security. And as he's shown over the last few weeks, he would also continue the divisive politics that undercuts the bipartisan cooperation and national unity that is so badly needed in challenging times.

We need to change course. At home, we must invest in the competitiveness of the American economy. Abroad, we need a new direction that ends the war in Iraq, focuses on the fight against al Qaeda and the Taliban, and restores strong alliances and tough American diplomacy. To keep our country safe and prosperous, we need leadership that brings the American people together. That is the lesson of our history. Together, we cannot fail; together, we can rise to meet any challenge.
FACT CHECK VIDEO : http://www.factcheck.org/just-the-facts/th..._near_here.html


sarNie OldFart
did Biden ever came out and make himself clear on that issue? but like you said cant wait till it's over and i already voted and I'm just disappointed that Sarah Palin is his vp .......he should of choosen Colin Powell or Condoleezza Rice