I added a third option for those are neutral (and fair) about Yadech.
Ekk, I literally spent five minutes debating what I should pick... In the beginning, to be honest, I was a little annoyed with all the Yadech news, rumors, and events. :sweat: But it didn't bother me too much, for I was trying to be fair, telling myself, "At least, their fans are happy; I'd feel the same for my favorites as well." I remember wishing there was a neutral option for Yadech in the beginning when this poll was first created. I didn't hate them, but I didn't love them to the point that I was obsessed over them.
Now, after knowing more about them, I can honestly say...that it really depends on the situation. I enjoy them, but I prefer them not pairing "twice" a year. Once a year is enough.

It's funny, but I don't really feel their on screen chemistry. Hehe, they have more chemistry off screen.

I would have picked the "Neutral" option, but knowing that they're pairing up for
The Rising Sun series, I picked the "Happy" choice. :wub: Right now, I'm excited for their part and am waiting for their reunion on screen. Who knows, maybe then, I'll totally fall in love with them.

But even if I don't, that doesn't mean I don't like seeing them together.
Gosh, the poll about Mteam or Yadech drove me crazy! But I picked "Both."

I am leaning way more towards Mteam, but Yadech really is just as cute as Mteam in their own way. Both are so appealing and delicious! :yummy: If that "Both" option isn't there, I would have picked Mteam.

I should have, but I can't deny my minor obsession with Yadech hehe. :lol2: