sarNie Hatchling
Name: Hmmm
Birthday: June 30
Birthplace: Minnesota
Current Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Age: 17
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown with a Light Brown tail.
Height: 5'8
Weight: Hmmm... HAHA XD
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right Handed
Favorite Colors: Green, Brown and Grey
Favorite Foods: Hmmm... TOO much to name
Favorite Drinks: Hmm... HAHA
Favorite Flower: Hmmm... I don't know... Flower are all pretty, any will be LOVED!~
Favorite Fast Food: Hmm... I don't usually eat out.. So i don't know...
The Shoes You Wore Today: HAHA I haven't put on any show yet... BUT later i will be wearing flip flop
Your Fears: My fear would be... losing a love one, height, being in a room with a HUGE spider and living life knowing everything... >...<
Your Perfect Pizza: Hmm... EVERYTHING
First Thought Waking Up: "Hmm... what is there to do today?"
Your Best Physical Feature: Hmm... nothing... HAHA XD i don't know
Your Bedtime: Hmmm... I have may different bed time... when i was younger it was at 9, but now since i'm older when i have school it usually around 11:00 or 12:00 something even 1:00 BUT when i'm on break... PSHH i don't even know when i feel like sleeping HAH XD
Do You Smoke: Smoking = Death... and i'm scare of dying...
Do You Drink: ONLY in special occasion...
Do You Sing: Nope... ONLY when i'm bored i'm horrible! >..<
Single Or Taken: Lonely ;_;
When Do You Plan To Get Married: When the time is right. When that person i'm looking for come across my eyes, and love me for who I am. At that time I will know it's the correct time... Even if it mean forever, I will wait until that correct time...
Do You Think You Are Attractive: Nope...
Do You Get Along With Your Parents: Yesh! I love them!! TOO much not to get along with them!
How Many Siblings Do You Have: Three Brothers, Three Sisters
Favorite Mall: Favorite Mall... that only Mall I know... Mall of American
Ever Been in Love: Hmm...
Number of Piercings: I used to... Not any more... ;-:
Favorite Sport: Badminton, Football, Tennis, EVERYTHING BUT I SUCK at all ;_;
Favorite Actress: Hmm... HAH XD
What's One of Your Bad Quality: Hmmm... I don't know...
What's One of Your Good Quality: Hmmm... nothing
One Thing You Can Change About Your Looks: Hmmm... Now that i got to think...
Do You Currently Have a Crush: Yesh... On that special someone that i been waiting for...
Things You Can't Live Without: THE INTERNET, my LAPTOP
Birthday: June 30
Birthplace: Minnesota
Current Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Age: 17
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown with a Light Brown tail.
Height: 5'8
Weight: Hmmm... HAHA XD
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right Handed
Favorite Colors: Green, Brown and Grey
Favorite Foods: Hmmm... TOO much to name
Favorite Drinks: Hmm... HAHA
Favorite Flower: Hmmm... I don't know... Flower are all pretty, any will be LOVED!~
Favorite Fast Food: Hmm... I don't usually eat out.. So i don't know...
The Shoes You Wore Today: HAHA I haven't put on any show yet... BUT later i will be wearing flip flop
Your Fears: My fear would be... losing a love one, height, being in a room with a HUGE spider and living life knowing everything... >...<
Your Perfect Pizza: Hmm... EVERYTHING
First Thought Waking Up: "Hmm... what is there to do today?"
Your Best Physical Feature: Hmm... nothing... HAHA XD i don't know
Your Bedtime: Hmmm... I have may different bed time... when i was younger it was at 9, but now since i'm older when i have school it usually around 11:00 or 12:00 something even 1:00 BUT when i'm on break... PSHH i don't even know when i feel like sleeping HAH XD
Do You Smoke: Smoking = Death... and i'm scare of dying...
Do You Drink: ONLY in special occasion...
Do You Sing: Nope... ONLY when i'm bored i'm horrible! >..<
Single Or Taken: Lonely ;_;
When Do You Plan To Get Married: When the time is right. When that person i'm looking for come across my eyes, and love me for who I am. At that time I will know it's the correct time... Even if it mean forever, I will wait until that correct time...
Do You Think You Are Attractive: Nope...
Do You Get Along With Your Parents: Yesh! I love them!! TOO much not to get along with them!
How Many Siblings Do You Have: Three Brothers, Three Sisters
Favorite Mall: Favorite Mall... that only Mall I know... Mall of American
Ever Been in Love: Hmm...
Number of Piercings: I used to... Not any more... ;-:
Favorite Sport: Badminton, Football, Tennis, EVERYTHING BUT I SUCK at all ;_;
Favorite Actress: Hmm... HAH XD
What's One of Your Bad Quality: Hmmm... I don't know...
What's One of Your Good Quality: Hmmm... nothing
One Thing You Can Change About Your Looks: Hmmm... Now that i got to think...
Do You Currently Have a Crush: Yesh... On that special someone that i been waiting for...
Things You Can't Live Without: THE INTERNET, my LAPTOP