omg tell me about online shopping, when i first started working here i did it almost every other day. but i've stopped after i realized i don't have any more money to pay off my bills -_-
my latest obseession is Se7en still i heart him!! and Hanazawa Rui (Oguri Shun) looove hime soooo much since i be watching HYD 2 gosh i feel in love with him alll over again <333
my latest obsession is this other forum that i've been going to for my asian downloads and chatting on msn which i don't normally do because i always hated using msn; maybe because i got alot of ppl who loves me on there...hahah!
my latest obession is chocolate covered gummy bears... they sound weird but man they are good... and this guy who works at the picture place infront of the candy store... i swear he looks just like my bf but he's gay and mexican...hehe.