Your "Pull Over" Story inspired by byebye status post


Expired Sarnie
I been pulled over a few times by some law enforcers. Most of them were hilarious... well not exactly but retelling the experience is what makes it funny. 
Okay this one is funny. The very first time I was ever pulled over was over fish sauce!!! Yes I am not kidding. By the way I was still a high school student then and I was on foot. My mom made me walk to the little Asian convenient store (closed down 3 years ago) to buy a bottle of fish. It was a good 10 minute walk from where I lived. Since I only bought a bottle of fish sauce, I told the cashier that I didn't need it bagged. I crossed the big street and a police car stopped me. He asked for my ID... I told him I only have a school ID and I don't have it with me. He then says I am not allow to buy or drink any alcohol. I wanted to laugh so bad and I honestly didn't want to embarrass him but to save myself, I told him it was fish sauce. I even offered him to smell it to confirm that it is not alcohol. 
This is the one I told on the status post. It was my first time ever to be pulled over as a driver. There was 6 people total in a Honda Accord. I was the driver, my younger sister in the front seat, my mom my other young sister in the back and my two nephews. One of my nephew was in a booster, the other one was in between my mom and sister. My sister in the back did not have a seat belt on, so technically my "first being pull over" had nothing to do with me. For a second I thought I was pulled over because one of my nephew was not in a car seat. Luckily for me, he was covered in a blanket because he fell asleep. That boy carries his blanket everywhere even when it reached 100 degree outside but he got out of that habit... took 4 darn years. When he attended preschool my mom had to cut his blanket so that he can bring it to school without being obvious haha. 
It was almost 4 am I had to go in for work extra early and just great... I was running late and a cop just had to be cruising during that time. I was in the middle lane, and I had to merge into the left lane to get on the freeway. But there was a truck and a police car on the left lane. I couldn't speed up because I would be speeding and I couldn't slow down either since we reached the red light and I couldn't merge left. When the light turned green, I pressed on the gas pedal and merged left to get on the freeway and the siren went on lol I immediately went from 25mph to 60mph when the truck pulled over and once I got on the freeway, I went 95mph until I could no longer see the siren light. I believe that siren was for me not the truck but in a way I felt satisfy because he wouldn't allow me to merge in the first place. Don't you hate it when you sped up to pass a slow moving car, they end up speeding too. And when you slow down,. he slows down. 


sarNie Juvenile
lol took me a second to realize that the last paragraph was not a continuation of the story in the second paragraph haha


Expired Sarnie
Lol I thought I was gonna get a story. Byebye's status post was filled with some hilarious "being pulled over" stories.


.: Lady Huo :.
@fun - I thought the other ladies will post their stories here too. Hopefully other members will post their stories here as well. I will post my stories when I have time. Your stories are too funny :loool:.


sarNie Juvenile
lol honestly i should have gotten pulled over so many times. especially for speeding 


Staff member
Mines are probably not so funny, but they were interesting in some ways I guess lol.
One time, I was driving home in the middle of the night, I was around 18 ish? I had just gotten off school. I stopped at an ATM on my way home and at the time the news was like making a big deal about these people who were robbed by fake cops. Like people who buy old cop cars from auctions and pull people over in them. This cop behind me started flashing me and attempting to pull me over, but remembering the news I refused! I kept driving and the cop kept following, I was so afraid. I decided to drive to a police station and stop there, I mean what could go wrong right? Turns out it was a real cop and he was trying to tell me I left my purse on top of the car. Surprisingly that thing stuck up there for the entire 8 mile drive :lol: 
(Sadly, I have gotten pulled over many times over similar things, leaving stuff on top of my car lol)
This one sort of involves my husband too.. I look a little younger than him and well many times people mistake him as my father despite him only being one year older. One day we were pumping gas and I guess I wasn't feeling well that day. There were two cops pumping in the one beside us and I was standing outside looking sick and such. They kept looking at me and looking at him and he always has this intimidating look to him if you don't know him. After leaving the gas station they followed us for a bit and eventually pulled us over to tell us that one of our lights weren't working or something. Hubby got out of the car to check, and one of the cop got me to roll my window down and asked me, "Are you ok?" "Do you feel safe with this man?" I was like yes he's my husband, the cop proceeded to give me information on domestic abuse hotline numbers. I was like what?? LOL. Probably not funny, but we thought it was afterwards because between me and him, I am the one that is real mean to him! 
This one is recent, I have a friend who is type 2 diabetic. She has to take insulin 4 times a day. We were about to go out to lunch after class one day and in the parking lot she was injecting her insulin. One of the cops happen to see her do this. After taking off the cop followed us and asked us to search the car because they believed they saw her doing drugs. We were annoyed so we replied with, "There isn't anything wrong with doing drugs." (I mean drugs aren't all illegal, hell even tylenol is a drug). I guess they didn't take the attitude to well and found her needs and the bottle of insulin. Officer: Oh is this insulin that diabetics use? Her: Yes and shows him her diabetic card. Officer, "We're sorry for troubling you ladies." 
Just to spite him I was like, "See not all drugs are bad, some needs it to stay alive." I don't think I would have been so mean to him if he had given us like a minute to explain to him what it was instead he kept cutting us off and telling us to get out so they can search her bag and the car. 


sarNie Granny
i have lots of pull over stories , im a bad ass driver to the bone, got my first ticket at 15  years old , car accidence at 16 , 17 got a hit & run  , 18 road rage , 19 theif auto , liscene was supensed for 5 years lol do i got some drama & i was still driving on supensed license. for the matter of fact i just got my license last week ! while living oversea i drove motorcycle all over the place , i even hit cow , tree, HOUSE, people and fall off bridge into the pond, lake , stream , rice paddle field , gosh i was awful nobody want to sit behind me when im on the motorcycle , another thing i drove into the street market too knock over booth and run over their merchdise. i was in the process of learning to drive it at the time.


sarNie Granny
genkers said:
note to self *never drive behind sarn or around her lol*
I thought teenager can't want to get a car and speed til their heart content? Or was it just me ? another thing , I start driving since I was 13 years old  . I would took my parent car and drove to the gas station all the time and they never knew about it . Don't know what i was thinking back then I was so confidence with everything & I love to speed . Had 5 bike . Crash & damage most of them just by riding/racing w/ the kids in the neighborhood . I had a yellow motor scooter 450cc I brought for $600 just to save gas ,  that i also crash about 10X until my parent make me sold it before I hurt myself even more.  While living oversea , the motorcycle I had was different from a scooter because it's bigger and faster , do you know how busy/crowded the road is in Vietnam ? Thailand ? Cambodia? It's crazy! I flew off the motorcycle almost everyday until i learn how to control it but I learn to drive the motorcycle in the countryside, when take to the big city i drive on side walk because the road was so crowded, that's why I kept running over food cart , booth , street vendor ect .  I'm one lucky girl to survive thur all of it though ! I even learn how to drive those cow tractor thingy that modern farmer  use now a day instead of cow/buffalo to plow the field and that was the hardest !!!! Boy , did I plow the field good that I kept going and going , doesn't matter that I'm plowing into other farmer field and most of the time there was no driver because  i would fall off the tractor every 10 min or so and  I would chase after it like some nut case . Gosh, I was horrible :scratchhead2:   I was the laughing stock of the whole village , this was in Vietnam .