So many bad news this weekend & it’s only Sat. Father got covid, niece got covid and only sister in law is diagnosed with cancer. Prayers are appreciated. Just hoping for only good news.
Why is it that sometimes people think if another person is kind, there is some sort of ulterior motive involved? Like, “She wants something” “Oh, she’s trying to win and steal my partner” or “What is she up to?” It’s sad we’re so guarded and lack trust. At times, you don’t even want to be kind anymore because people will misinterpret and misjudge.
I know I'm a grown ass woman but the minute some person asks me about if I have a boyfriend, I have the urge to karate chop them. From my parents' coworkers, to my dental hygienist, it's literally the first thing they ask me. It's none of your business and it's REALLY rude, people!