Something about being mteamers is...nothing comes easy. Lmao....We don't get spoiled or catered to so we find happiness even in the small stuff. Stuff that people might overlook or moments that might go unappreciated. feels like we have to salvage for the sweets since they're not being served on platters. Lmao. So we don't have the time, energy, or even interest to care about trivial and petty matters like antis or outsiders, to put it kindly.
Like this...
I swear m&m fan comments always make me smile. They're too darn cute.
Comment with 23 likes.
"Ni ta bok wa pen fan gun cheu sanit ler na."
(If they tell me they were boyfriend and girlfriend, I would totally believe them without a doubt)
Someone replied.
"Gaw pen fan a di. Ta yung mai pen eek noi gaw pen."
(Well, they are bf-gf. If they aren't yet. They will be soon)
I saw similar comments on IG. Lol. REALLL.
Comment with 58 likes.
"Tang ngan gun ter. Dai prod."
(Marry each other. Pleasse)
Other ones from other sources:
"Kiss her cheek P'Mak. Kiss kiss kiss."
"Nong Mint. Tilt your face and look up."
"You can move a bit closer P'Mak. Shy ror?"
"If I was P'Mint I would blush. Look at P'Mak's nose."
"Chawp gaw jeeb ler."
They make me giggle. Lol.