Okay, you shipped MK in the past and respected Kim's relationship with Jett at the time, and why would you think I'm not respecting MK's relationship while shipping KimJa? If what I stated about MK hanging out/vacating together a lot lately seems like a negative opinion of MK's relationship, then I'm sorry for making you misunderstand my purpose of saying that. Like I've mentioned before, I was only stating a fact and that's all. I wasn't complaining or disrespecting their relationship. Here in this thread we've mentioned a lot about Kim and James' individual projects and events/updates. Like one with James and Yaya, James and Taew, and Kimmy's one with Weir. We are just giving each other updates about James and Kim (whether it be their individual projects or ones of them together), which is essentially what this thread is created for, Kim and James.
Of course you can't see the possibility of KimJa. KimJa have only worked together in one lakorn in a span time of a year and a half, whereas it seems like you've been a fan of MK since day one, and given their long history together. So I respect and understand you're protectiveness of their relationship, but I hope you understand KimJa's fans as well. You've been through the whole shipping thing with MK, so if anyone I would've thought you'll understand KimJa's fans but I guess not. And it's fine, you're entitled to think the way you want, whether you think we're delusional or not. No one here wants anything bad to happen to MK's relationship, we just think James and Kim have a possibility. Until MK walk done that aisle and say I do to one another, there will always be a chance. My personal opinion.
About James feeling for Kim, it's only base off of my observation and personal opinion. None of us here know Kim or James personally to verify the statement, so I could be completely wrong with my observation but what I can say is James is indeed very fond of Kim as friend.
And "peace" I hope we're not scaring you away. In all honesty, I really don't want our different views about KimJa to divide the bonding we had during PCKNMCPW. Even though I would love for KimJa to be real, but I don't particularly ship them for real at the moment because of Kim's relationship with Mark. All I want is to see them together again in a lakorn and that's about it. I hope you understand
Agree with bolded statement, but I will not elaborate this any farther since I agree with
@Knitty that we should indeed watch what we say here if we want to protect our idols. We can discuss this later privately if you want to

And I never ship MK, I was on the KimBarry's ship in the past lol. I just thought Nadech liked Kim in the past, of course obviously not anymore lol. Kim just didn't like him, how could she when he prank her so much

They were fun to watch both onscreen and off screen.
I think we should end this whole debate and move on lol. And if anyone is watching KLKNNHJ with Mick and Pim, I will probably be active there since I'm enjoying the lakorn so much at the moment. While watching this lakorn I thought how awesome it would be to see Kim in a lakorn like this. I don't think Kim ever had a lakorn where there are two potential p'eks fighting for her affection. The closest I could think of is TRRR with Mark and Sean, but I was all for Mark's Kob. Kob is my favorite character of Mark. His endless love for Bua is the best thing ever. But yeah, I hope Kim gets to do a lakorn like KLKNNHJ in the future with two great p'eks. I'm still thinking of who I would like the two p'eks to be. I mean James is a potential, completely bias here lol, but I would love to see Kim act with someone new.