I agree. I don't think Kim ever played a character where she's completely lose everything and financially unstable, so this is a change in character for her. Now I want to see Kim in a character where she's born poor and grew to be an ambitious woman with power and wealth.
That lakorn with Smart, is it good? I watch like 15 minutes of the first episode of it, and didn't like it so never bother to go back and watch it. I don't really like Smart acting though, and he looks really old next to Kimmy at the time.
that's a good story for a reverse twist
for m ethe role i want after her one in BH are actually two role, i want a role who deal with family story sacrifice and struggle for her family adn something like that a tragedic story the other role is i want her to play a seductive rai role mean bad role from the start to the end but this kind of story need a skilled writer to make the story make sense and enjoyable
well her lakorn with smart wasn't bad but if i talked about first production it was not bad but the story was dragged a loottt they keep repeating a lot of things , but what i liked is the story of the role of kim kim played it very well she took me to that story of a girl who lost her parent and who left her in difficult situation with bad guys going after her she was a fighter energetic she didn't give up she wasn't afraid and seh decided to go to search for the rest of her family in thailand destiny made thing complicated for her and she end up taking the name of someone else and being a housekeeper in that position she was able despite she was a person with a lot of pain without a family and had a lot to make her depressive she wasn't she was able to help other people she was able to be a positive light and she was able to survive but she kept hiding her identity and she kept worrying and couldn't tell her grandma the truth because she wasn't brave enough to face her and she choosed to run away , and although the man she fal with was a cold stubborn hard man seh was able to break that ice because she was just so powerful in her words and actions
it was just a very enjoyable character but as you said smart was a hard to deal with to watch he was very stiff but i think he suited the role cause as i said the role was about a supper cold heart man who doesn't show mercy but when it comes to the sweet scenes i wished if he show more softness cause when the camera was on kim she was full of emotion and all and you expect to recieve the same from the other but when the amera turn to smart it oops cut i think that was the only problem but over all is not that bad