❤ BTS ❤
Oh lawd if they were both singleRight! This is one of the reason why I always wonder what it'll be like if both of them were single. Like would James be more obvious with his affection towards Kim lol. Oh I miss seeing them onscreen. Hopefully we'll get to see them again soon. I really don't want them to be like KimBarry, my other unrequited love that seems to never going to be seen together again on the small screen lol. After Buang Hong, there's a high chance Kim's working with Mark again, so maybe in the next two years, we might get to hear good news for our otp.
I really wanna see Kimmy play a weak actress, I mean I know many people hate weak actresses but she's been playing the type of actress who stands up for themselves which I do like too, it would be different. Honestly I want a lakorn with JMa torturing Kimmy but I just cant see him play that role. The only one who's really good at being aggressive is Nadech. I miss kimbarry but Im losing hope