[Ch7] Banlang Hong (Saman Karn lakorn) : Baifern Pimchanok / Michael Pataradet


sarNie OldFart
ya, like Come on man...P'k need to be more reasonable. I know an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. But the Granny is soo EVIL! Yet he goes with another girl to spite her? I'm glad n'k ran away back to korea. p'k friend is soo blahh...p'k needs to stop leading her on, although he did straight up told her he they are just "close friends" but still...

ep 7 is soo short...the bridge scene was good..very "mature"
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sarNie Adult
All n,ek sisters are horny, easy. Like Yai she dumb to fall in love with a hooker guy. Shes not afraid to get aids.I like muay lek character she's fiesty, sassy. I was happy n,ek friend help her in the bathroom. But this time seems like she's rape for real. Im sad. I want her to get with n,ek friend.


sarNie Adult
I felt bad for praek's friend, but her aiding some dude to rape another girl is messed up. Hopefully, muay lek gets saved. The older and middle sisters are very gullible when it comes to guys. I don't see how grandma is to blame for any of their choices except for maybe keeping them on too tight of a leash? Or her working to provide a life of comfort for the family is the very thing that makes them a target.


sarNie OldFart
I think he will get with her....

I love how n'k is soo Bold and leaves p'k so fluster

preview...p'k seem to be tumbling in bed w/M. Lek


sarNie Adult
I don't understand why Moi Lek doesn't report the rape but instead would rather continue sleeping with him so the video doesn't leak. tf thai lakorn logic.

I like how Ms. Jo saved the young girl. At first, I thought they were planning to mess her up to get the stock. I would've lost so much respect for her.


sarNie Adult
I'm literally only watching this to see Baifern and her outfits. She' so pretty in here. The plot is lame but I'm hoping it'll get better when Jom is full on in seduction mode. Why are there so many useless annoying characters? All I want to see is Baifern/Michael but they're wasted.


sarNie Adult
Looks like this lakorn is picking up negative criticisms all around. And the ratings are behind Channel 3 too which is something that doesn't happen often.


sarNie Adult
That sucks. I actually like it, although the plot is kinda looking all over the place now. First, it's Jom getting stock and now the mafia going after her grandma. Then there's the issue with her step sisters getting conned by guys. It's just a lot of things going on. But I prefer this than watching a lakorn with the pranangs just misunderstanding each other throughout it, and that's basically the only thing going on.

I agree. Baifern is absolutely beautiful in here.


sarNie Adult
I think most who criticized it felt that despite the lakorn being big-budgeted, it felt short as a farewell gift from CH7 to Baifern.

Off-topic, speaking of how pretty Baifern is in here, saw pics of Mai & Baifern a few days ago and the ship name also trended in Thailand. This ship is still going strong lol.


sarNie Egg
I don't think there's that much negative criticisms. Most just say it's a bit boring at times but the lakorn is good. As for rating, this lakorn has a steady rating of 6-7 since it aired, which is average for this type of melodramatic lakorns. Genres that does well in rating are usually horror/mystery, action, and slap/kiss. Since the success of Pitsawat, horror/mystery genre is a guarantee big hit at the moment.


sarNie Adult
lol baifern and mai davika? are they being shipped bc they're good friends?
Haha yeah, and them being consistently affectionate with each other fuels the ship too. They're probably second only to BelleFon in terms of girlxgirl ships (also, why do I know this stuff?).


sarNie OldFart
I enjoy it but I want More pra'nang interactions...love that nk bold...but wish pk was a lil more so


sarNie OldFart
P'Tua has hits and misses. The one with Michael and Pooklook was a hit. Even though, the storyline was just so messed up, but at least it was consistently messed up. Hahah.

I dropped this lakorn within a few episodes because there are simply TOO MANY side characters.


sarNie Adult
Totally agree that there are too many side characters, and they're all annoying. But that's like CH7's specialty. The thing is it doesn't have to be just focusing on p'ek/n'ek and their love story. I'd like it a lot better if they spent time developing Jom's relationship with her family but they don't do that either. She's a got a freaking twin and they do absolutely nothing with it. I'd like to see her relationships with her adopted dad vs bio dad. I don't think she's even said 2 words to 2 of her siblings and what should be the biggest focus, Jom vs Granny is also given minimal time. There's nothing there so there's nothing to invest in her revenge.