Don't you guys just love Khun Baworntat. He is the BEST assistant ever! He is wise, calm, understanding, witty, dedicated, loyal and a gentleman. I love his scenes so much! He seems to like linggering around Ramet's office, not only for work but to help Ramet with matters of the heart. ...Ramet has really open up to him about that matter.
I love his facial expression during Pim's tip scene. He is funny. ...and when Pim accused him of being Pachalee's boyfriend, his reaction is so funny. He never gets angry, doesn't he?
...and when Pim ask him to record Vi's kneeling scene, he was somewhat reluctant and his reaction there just calmed the whole tense that's happening at that moment.
I can't help to "shoo" him sometimes for many of Pim-Ramet's scenes like when they got back from the village and the bandage scene. He will just stand there, watching them with a smile that almost look like a smirk sometimes and eavesdrop and after the moment pass, he'll drop some witty comment to Ramet. Hahaha... he is such an apple to my eyes!
He sometimes look like an older version of Mario. The way they smile, looks the same.