AHHHHH LET ME JUST RANT. This episode was one of the best episodes ever in my opinion. Okay, yall can disagree but it was so damn cute lol. First off, I LOVEEEE protective Krit. He does EVERYTHING for Yada! It's funny how Khem talks crap on Krit for not being there for Da but how little does she know how crazy he is for Da!! And can I say something I appreciate SO MUCH? It didn't take 3 episodes for pra aek to find out nang aek was pregnant!! It literally took a damn text from Khem which happened within 10-15 minutes Da herself found out. THANK YOU LAKORN GODS. Haha, I don't care how stubborn Da is.. I mean Trai did almost die cause of him and Krit keeps saying he's going to end Di Lok's life lololol so I can see her side. But damn Krit, he had the whole resort staring him down for interrupting all the calm maternity activities. Isn't that so cute? Krit takes Da by kidnapping her haha and flies her to the resort on a plane (isn't that kind of dangerous?? LOL and he talks about her being careful!). The resort is GORGEOUS. I haven't ever seen anything so pretty! The pool and stuff within the resort and where it's located is so pretty!! The building looks like castles!!? Haha when Krit finally found Da in the resort it was so cute... the way Da hugged Krit back just took my heart away. Then they ended it with a BANG! Krit ripped his pants trying to please Da by doing Yoga! That's the actual scene from the bloopers lol.. so they kept that scene haha Krit looked so embarassed. Oh oh, my other favorite part was when he fed Da lololol. She was so mad that she couldn't eat anything salty or spicy and said she was going to die by the end of the week at the resort (haha I woulda too), with all that healthy salad and smoothies and she kept complaining and he shut her up by sticking food in her mouth. I couldn't stop laughing and blushing. I also loved how Da kept denying the baby but Krit was so forceful to get her to admit it and told her that if she refuses to prove it that mean she's pregnant hahah. OMG also when Da pretended to not be afraid of the needles but when Krit held his hand out she grabbed it so quickly and let it go so quickly when the process was done!! She's so prideful and I love how opens her up to his love. It made me laugh and feel so giddy when Da finally gives in.. like Krit finally proved he does care for her more than anything!!
Okay...whoo rant about Da and Krit <3 over lol. Now here comes the Khem storm. She was lowkey annoying this episode! But I appreciate she showed remorse.. and she was actually the reason Krit found out... AND the whole world lol. I kind of felt bad that she got slapped by Da but what she did without letting her sister know was shady AF haha so she kinda deserved that slap.. and plus Da has never used force on Khem before so I thought it was reasonable cause Da was nothing but nice to her. Like I couldn't believe Khem took all the credit for taking Trai to the hospital and checking him in.. when she was the cause in the first place!! Da was nice and was like, I know you have other things bothering you and if it's cause of someone you love like Nat.. then she needs to figure it out with him hahah. Plus Da is always picking the family up but never brags or makes her siblings feel bad that she does everything. Khem does one thing and wants to be all mighty and get recognition like it's her golden globe or something hahah. Anyways, I felt bad for her when her and Nat had their fallout and sad that Kwan asked if Khem hated them lol. Khem said she forgave Nat along time ago but doesn't know how Nat is feeling about her. I feel like Nat is kinda a brat and just needs to get his girl back haha especially cause Khem showed so much remorse lol. But like he said, he can't always give in and spoil her hahah. I was kinda glad that they had very few scenes today even though I like them as a couple but their part is kinda repetitive haha.. I just want them to get it going and married already LMAO.
I'm so glad it didn't show any Due and Matthew scenes this episode!! Everything was basically over the phone haha when Da talked to Nha Mhon. I like their scenes but yeah they feel like fillers at this point lol. I'm glad they gave more time to Trai and Nhee!! OMG they are so cute. I felt bad for Trai.. he literally almost died and still had to do physical therapy

. I loved how Nhee realized he's the one and does everything to see him haha and how they had to run away from the bodyguards. It was so cute when Trai held out his hand to the window when he woke up in the hospital to reach out to Nhee. I want them in another lakorn in the future where they are the leads!! I love them so much. Funny how Khem tried to be a bad b*tch and say Da wouldn't want Nhee there and that next time to come early so she has enough time to stall Da and that Trai is way too good for her. I mean Da was mean to Nhee but only for the protection of her brother whereas Khem hella talked down on Nhee..which was way side cause Nhee didn't even bother to argue and felt really bad for Trai.
I actually like all the couples in here which is surprising cause I haven't felt that way in a long time. I was so annoyed of Masu and Nychaa in KC and also Toey/Louis ugh they were the definition of back and forth like Toey/Louis would fight and misunderstand each scene and cry god lol. I appreciate this lakorn for what it is even though it's kind of slow at some points cause of how it's kinda executed. I just feel like the revenge in here is mature lol compared to other lakorns. Pra aek doesn't have to abuse nang aek but still gets his way and still shows love haha although I kinda like the sadistic pra aeks lolol. I do agree that the storyline is kinda weird like they coulda ended this already but I still enjoy it a lot haha and it ends next week and glad it's not longer than that.. so perfect lol.