❤️[CH3] My Love From the Stars (Broadcast Thai Television) : Nadech Kugimiya / Matt Peranee


sarNie Adult
Oh My God, sauvez moi. What is this shit ? Someone needs to write Verasalon. Wtf is this shit ? What has Matt ever done to their shitty stylist ?
Are they just randomly picking up clothes from various clothing lines/brands? If Cheon Song Yi comes to life, she wouldn't even wear that! The carpets, curtains, pillows and everything in Matt's condo have better designs. :facepalm:

The girl is pretty and she lost weight for this lakorn, yet they're making her wear such wardrobes. At least mix and match everything well. Their dog sometimes has better clothings lmao

We haven't seen Eye yet.


❤ BTS ❤
Did they add the dog or what?? Don’t remember seeing one


Trapped in MueyxTian's World! ❤️
Lmaoooo about the dog wearing better clothing hahaha I just don’t think some of those odd outfits should be worn outside..... the stylist is confused!!! She needs to put Matt in trendier outfits.. heck I’m more surprised and intrigued by Eyes “nonbrand” clothes than these thrifty “brand” fashion on Matt.

I’m also seeing 50/50 good and bad clothes on Matt! Let’s hope they’re just showing off the bad wardrobe for now, and that the better wardrobe are kept secret to be seen on TV only.


sarNie Adult
I actually don't mind this dress, it's a massive upgrade from the other one from the same brand lol. I need our stylist to step it up with their sartorial choices, I see that she follows Senada, Greyhound Original, Matter Makers which are Thai brands she should use them or even better go international. I'm not even talking about the U.S brands but there's so many high street designers within Asia who I'm sure you can get good quality clothing from.


sarNie OldFart
I think they have this grand vision of dressing Matt but I am not confident they really know how to make that vision into reality. The problem I have is what if Matt is in a horrendous outfit and it last half an episode or a full one. I don't mind an ugly outfit here and there but make it more like a glimpse then changed her into something else the next scene. I understand a super star can dress in unique clothings but make it look like they put in some thoughts into it. Instead what came across in the last few outfits are either they are confused or just lazy.


Yes i hope ensemble casts become a thing soon with more popular actors. I want these girls in one. I liked when margie mint and matt were together in that lakoen with smart
And then Matt, Margie and Yaya in the Three Musketeers series? Lol


sarNie Adult
I think they have this grand vision of dressing Matt but I am not confident they really know how to make that vision into reality. The problem I have is what if Matt is in a horrendous outfit and it last half an episode or a full one. I don't mind an ugly outfit here and there but make it more like a glimpse then changed her into something else the next scene. I understand a super star can dress in unique clothings but make it look like they put in some thoughts into it. Instead what came across in the last few outfits are either they are confused or just lazy.
Jun Ji Hyun wore an average of 6-7 outfits per episode. (Just saw from a blog that she had a total of 145 looks in 21 episodes.) But in lakorns, it isn't that much. Let's see.

We know that Thai style is different from Korean's but at least, match Matt's body type.

Does anyone know what are the famous clothing brands in Thailand?

Did they add the dog or what?? Don’t remember seeing one
It's verasalon's dog. Which goes to filming site then goes home dead tired. lol always sleeping in the car (their IG story) :risas3:


sarNie OldFart
Lol and I thought her wardrobe would get better. It look so cheap and not appealing. Why do they always give her ugly wardrobes
Yeah they need to give some nice clothes. Its not like she cant pull it off. Matty has the best body out of all the ch3 girls. Shes so slim and then when she turns around her big booty surpises you lol. At least it surprised me when i first saw her


Yeah they need to give some nice clothes. Its not like she cant pull it off. Matty has the best body out of all the ch3 girls. Shes so slim and then when she turns around her big booty surpises you lol. At least it surprised me when i first saw her
Yes I agree Matt has a meaty rear end. Then again she’s a halfie! Lol.